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Line 800 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
800 Hora. {Heauens} <Heauen> secure him.1.5.113
1868 c&mc
800 secure] Clarke & Clarke (ed. 1868): “‘Secure’ is here used in the sense of ‘keep safe,’ ‘guard,’ ‘protect.’ Shakespeare uses the words ‘secure” and ‘safe’ thus respectively, the one including the sense of the other. See [Mac. 1.4.27 (310), n. 72].”
1880 Tanger
800 Heauens] Tanger (1880, p. 126): Q2 variant “probably owing to the negligence, inattention, or criticism of the compositor.”
1939 kit2
800 Kittredge (ed. 1939): "Thus Horatio once more expresses his fear that the apparition may be a demon."
1980 pen2
pen2: standard
800 secure] Spencer (ed. 1980): “keep him safe.”
1982 ard2
ard2c&mc without attribution
800 secure] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “keep safe, protect.”
1987 oxf4
oxf4: standard
800 secure him] Hibbard (ed. 1987): "keep him safe. In the darkness or half-light that is still supposed to envelop the stage, Horatio and Marcellus have not yet seen the Prince, who is well to the front of it."
1988 bev2
bev2: standard
800 secure him] Bevington (ed. 1988): “keep him safe.”
2006 ard3q2
ard3q2: standard
800 secure] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “safeguard, save (from the possibly malign influence of the Ghost)”