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Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
888 <Actus Secundus.>..
888 Q3, Q4, Q5, vand, cam3 = Q2 (subst.)
888 Actus Secundus F1, F2, F3, F4; Act II. Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, rowe1, rowe2, tjoh1, rowe3, wilk1, tjoh2, wilk2, pope1, pope2, han1, han2, warb, john1, cap, han3, jen, v1773, gent, v1778, v1785, mal, rann, v1793, v1803, v1813, cald1, v1821, sing1, cald2, knt1, col1, col2, del2, hud1, sing2, dyce1, elze1, col3, stau, wh1, glo, ktly, hal, dyce2, cam1, tsch, hud2, cln1, col4, hud3, irv2, oxf1, ard1, nlsn, rid1, vand, kit1, cln2, alex, sis, evns1, pen2, ard2, chal, cam4, oxf2, oxf4, bev2, ard3q2, ard3f1; [2.1] cam3
Ed. note: cam3 ≈ Q2 because it includes, for convenience, the act.scene division as a bracketed side note. Editions also have Act II, Act Two, etc.
After 888, Scene I. Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, rowe1, rowe2, tjoh1, rowe3, wilk1, tjoh2, wilk2, pope1, pope2, han1, han2, warb, john1, cap, han3, jen, v1773, gent, v1778, v1785, mal, rann, v1793, v1803, v1813, cald1, v1821, sing1, cald2, knt1, col1, col2, del2, hud1, sing2, dyce1, elze1, col3, stau, wh1, glo, ktly, hal, dyce2, cam1, tsch, hud2, cln1, v1877, col4, hud3, irv2, oxf1, ard1, kit1, cln2, alex, sis, evns1, pen2, ard2, chal, cam4, oxf2, oxf4, bev2, ard3q2, ard3f1; Scene theo1, theo2, theo4; Soena prima mcol1 conj.
After 888 Two months later rid1; Some weeks pass cam3
After 888 Elsinore alex
After 888 An Apartment in Polonius’s House. rowe1, rowe2, tjoh1, rowe3, wilk1, tjoh2, wilk2, pope1, pope2, theo1, theo2, han1, han2, warb, theo4, john1, han3, jen, v1773, gent, v1778, v1785, rann; A Room in Polonius’ House. cap, mal, v1793, v1803, v1813, cald1, v1821, sing1, cald2, knt1, col1, col2, del2, hud1, sing2, dyce1, elze1, col3, stau, wh1, glo, ktly, hal, dyce2, cam1, tsch, hud2, cln1, v1877, col4, hud3, irv2, oxf1, ard1, nlsn, rid1, cln2 (subst.); Hall in Castle rossi; A room in the house of Polonius cam3, kit1; The house of Polonius alex; Elsinore. The house of Polonius. sis