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Line 858 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
858 Ghost. Sweare {by his sword}.1.5.161
1854 del2
858 Delius (ed. 1854): “So Q. A. und Fol. Die Qs. swear by his sword. Der Laconismus der ersteren Lesart ist gewiss mehr im Charakter des Geistes.”[So Q1 and F1. The 4tos swear by his sword. The laconic single word seems more in the ghost’s character.]
1860 Walker
858 Sweare by his sword] Walker (3: 263): “The ghost’s ‘Swear by his sword’—if this, the reading of the quarto or quartos, be correct—is, as it were, an echo of Hamlet’s words [with 857 in F1 order].”
1880 Tanger
858 by his sword] Tanger (1880, p. 126) F1’s omission [?] “seems to be owing to an interpolation of some Actor.” The Q1 reading “confirms, or at least countenances, [the F1] reading.”
1934 Wilson
Wilson MSH
858 by his sword] Wilson (1934, p. 261) considers this phrase to be one of many omissions in F1 (not additions in Q2). The other before 2.2 is Come in 1017.
842 844 851 857 858