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Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
794 At least {I am} <I’m> sure it may be so in Denmarke.1.5.109
1875 Marshall
794-6 Marshall (1875, p. 128): “ The stage direction (Writing), which follows here, shows that Hamlet was intended to record something of what preceded on his tablets, and the very fact of his doing so is a proof of the nervous agitation under which he laboured; his furious indignation against his uncle found vent in the mere act of writing him down a ‘smiling villain.’ The words—‘So, uncle, there you are.’ are spoken as he puts the tablets up; then, recovering, by a great effort, command over himself, he speaks with solemn emphasis the lines—‘Now to my word . . . sworn’t.’ drawing his sword at the last words, and devoutly kissing the cross which forms the handle.”
1885 macd
794 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “But note also his honesty, his justice to humanity, his philosophic temperament, in the qualification he sets to the memorandum, ‘—at least in Denmark!’”