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Line 738 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
738 Vppon a wretch whose naturall gifts were poore,1.5.51
1723- mtby2
738 naturall] Thirlby (1723-): “v.v.17”
1930 Granville-Barker
738-42 wretch . . . garbage] Granville-Barker (1930, rpt. 1946, 1: 224 n. 17) believes these strong negative images of Claudius, after the ghost speaks of his gifts [729-32], are to be taken as “excusably—biased.”
1939 kit2
kit2: no comment
738 poore] Kittredge (ed. 1939) does not comment on this line, which contradicts his high valuation of Claudius’s gifts.
1957 pen1b
738-9 Vppon . . . mine] Harrison (ed. 1957): “Both Hamlet and the Ghost insist that Claudius is physically insignificant; Gertrude’s adultery is thus the more monstrous. On the stage however the King is usually presented as a fine and handsome man.”
738 739