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Line 675 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
675 Hora. He waxes desperate with {imagion} <imagination>.1.4.87
1854 del2
675 desperate . . . imagion] Delius (ed. 1854): “Wie desperation (cf. Anm. 21) wird auch desperate vom Wahnsinn gebraucht; imagination ist hier die Phantasie in ihrer höchsten Aufregung.” [Like desperation (see n. 663+1) desperate also is used for insanity; imagination is here Fantasy in its highest degree of excitement.]
1868 c&mc
675 waxes] Clarke & Clarke (ed. 1868): “‘Grows.’”
1880 Tanger
675 imagion] Tanger (1880, p. 125): Q2 variant “probably owing to the negligence, inattention, or criticism of the compositor.”
1885 macd
675 with imagion] MacDonald (ed. 1885): with imagination] “‘with the things he imagines.’”
1913 Trench
675 imagion] Trench (1913, p. 71): Horatio’s observation is “appropriate enough to Horatio in the days of his scepticism, but at this stage somewhat fatuous . . . .”
1980 pen2
675 waxes] Spencer (ed. 1980): “becomes increasingly.”
1982 ard2
ard2: //s; xref
675 imagion] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “ ’Imaginations bodies forth the forms of things unknown’, MND 5.1.14. These include the fantasies of the madman, which might be the work of spirits. Cf. 1934. See Wiv. 3.3.191, ’What spirit, what devil suggests this imagination?’; 2H4 1.3.31-2, ’Imagination Proper to madmen’. Horatio, still fearing for Hamlet’s ’sovereignty of reason’ (662), sees him succumbing to the influence of the spirit.”
1985 cam4
675 Edwards (ed. 1985): "has become totally reckless because of what is in his mind. Horatio believes that Hamlet’s dangerous behaviour arises from his idea of the Ghost, which has obliterated the reality that the Ghost is capable of tremendous harm. Hamlet himself talks of his ’imaginations’ about the Ghost in [1934-5]. See also Introduction, p. 60."
1987 oxf4
675 imagion] Hibbard (ed. 1987): "delusions, fanstastical ideas that have no basis in fact. Compare [2H4 1.3.31-2 (532-3)], ‘great imagination Proper to madmen.’ "
2006 ard3q2
ard3q2: standard
675 waxes] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “grows”

ard3q2: Q1; F1
675 imagion] imagination Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “Q2’s ’imagion’ is not found elsewhere and could easily be a careless transcription/setting of ’imagination’ as found in Q1 and F.”