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Line 651 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
651 Ham. It will not speake, then {I will} <will I> followe it.1.4.63
1723- mtby2
651 speake, then] Thirlby (1723-) conjectures strongly: “speak then” and weakly “speak here.”
Ed. note: The line, with punctuation after then instead of after speak, makes Hamlet sound reasonable (contrasting with Q2/F1 which make him sound desperate). Hamlet, in Thirlby’s view, seems to be saying, “But if I don’t follow it, it won’t speak.” Thirlby also offers an alternative conjecture (as a weak possibility): ‘It will not speak here.’ Thirlby also suggests a parallel rhythm in 657: ‘It waves me forth again. I will follow it,’ where five syllables precede the caesura.
1733- mtby3
mtby3 = mtby2
651 speake, then]
BWK: Here is the whole note: in: f speak then. I will &cfnm | fsql here pro then. v.v.32. Hoc ibi. Below at line 32, we see “It waves me forth again. ——I’ll follow it—” I think what TBY is saying is that the two lines are //:
Thirlby seems to indicate that "It will not speak then. I will follow it" and
"It waves me forth again. I’ll follow it" are parallel.
He conjectures weakly that the phrase should be: "He will not speak here." But more strongly, he conjectures that the word should be then followed by a period.
I mention this note in various places, including my essay on Thirlby. I am not sure where it should go in the edition if anywhere.
1839 knt1
651 I will followe it] Knight (ed. 1839,1:170): “Beautifully characteristic is his determination to follow the vision . . . .”
Ed. note: This note is in the Supplemental Remarks, part of a longer note on Hamlet and act 1.
1874 Corson
Corson: F1, cam1
651 I will] Corson (1874, p. 14) prefers F.