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Line 262 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
262 Nor the deiected hauior of the visage1.2.81
1870 Abbott
262 hauior] Abbott (§ 460): ’haviour for ‘behaviour’—[262].”
1872 cln1
262 hauior] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): “demeanor, aspect. This word, like ‘behaviour,’ from which is comes, is commonly used to signify carriage, bearing, conduct.”
1877 v1877
v1877: Abbott § 460
262 hauior] Furness (ed. 1877): “For a list of dropped prefixes, see Abbott, § 460.”
1880 meik
meik = Abbott § 460 without attribution
262 hauior]
1885 mull
mull = cln1 (minus all but gloss) without attribution
262 hauior] Mull (ed. 1885): “aspect.”
1939 kit2
kit2cln1 + in magenta underlined
262 hauior] Kittredge (ed. 1939): "bearing, appearance."
1958 fol1
fol1: standard
262 hauior] Wright & LaMar (ed. 1958): “behavior.”
1982 ard2
ard2: standard; //
262 hauior] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “demeanor, expression.Cf. Cym. 3.4.9].”
1984 chal
262 hauior]Wilkes (ed. 1984): “expression”
1987 oxf4
oxf4chal without attribution
262 hauiour] Hibbard (ed. 1987): facial expression.
1988 bev2
bev2: standard
262 hauior] Bevington (ed. 1988): “expression.”
2006 ard3q2
262 deiected hauior] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “downcast, depressed demeanour”

262 visage] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “face”