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Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
162 No fairy {takes} <talkes>, nor witch hath power to charme
162 Q1, Q3, Q4, jen, v1778, ays1, v1785, mal, rann, v1793, v1803, v1813, cald1, v1821, sing1, cald2, knt1, col1, col2, del2, hud1, sing2, dyce1, elze1, col3, stau, wh1, glo, ktly, hal, dyce2, cam1, tsch, hud2, cln1, v1877, col4, hud3, irv2, oxf1, ard1, rltr, nlsn, vand, crg1, rid1, cam3a, rid2, kit1, pen1, parc, n&h, cln2, alex, sis, evns1, pen2, ard2, chal, cam4, oxf2, oxf4, bev2, fol2, ard3q2 = Q2 (subst.)
154-64 and . . . it] Om. gent
154-64 and . . . it] Marked for om. on stage but retaining SP Hor. in 164 gar2
157-64 Marked for om on stage Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10; marked for om. on stage but retaining SP Hor. in 164, wilk1, wilk2
162 fairy] Faiery
162 takes] talkes F1, F2; talks F3, F4, ard3f1; treads rochester (p. 195) conj. note placed in conjectural emendation doc. ; walks mtby2 fsql conj. recorded in conj. never used doc. ; [takes] n&h
162 takes,] ~ ^ cam1, cln1; ~ ; pen2
162 nor] no Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, F4, rowe1, rowe2, tjoh1, rowe3, wilk1, tjoh2, wilk2, pope1, pope2, theo1, theo2, han1, han2, theo4, warb, john1, john2, cap, han3, v1773