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Line 8 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
8 Fran. {Barnardo.} <Barnardo?>1.1.4
4 8 24
1785 v1785
v1785: Ritson
8 Ritson (apud ed. 1785): “If we did not find [Bernardo] in such good company, we might have taken him to have been like Francisco whom he relieves, an honest but common soldier. The strange indiscriminate use of Italian and Roman names in this and other plays, makes it obvious that the author was very little conversant in even the rudiments of either language.”
1877 v1877
v1877 = Lewes inQR
8 See n. 4
1909 subb
8 Subbarau (ed. 1909): “Marcellus alone is an officer, while Bernardo and Francisco are sentinels in charge of the watch, the one relieving the other at midnight. In the First Quarto, the stage direction is ‘Enter two Centinels and the name of one of them—the relieving sentinel—is mentioned in [Q1CLN 12 ≈ TLN 24] as Barnardo: in the later Quartos and the Folios, the stage direction is Enter Bernardo and Francisco, two centinels.’ There is accordingly no warrant for making Bernardo an officer and creating the incongruity of an officer relieving a solder on guard.”
1974 evns1
8 Kermode (ed. 1974) ends with a period, which accords with his gloss of 7.