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Line 75 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
75 Hora. As thou art to thy selfe.1.1.59
1805 Seymour
75 thy selfe] Seymour (1805, 2:139): “This vicious idiom occurs in The Historie of King Leir and his Three Daughters: ‘So like to me as I am to myself.”
1909 subb
subb: Furness, ard1 +
75-80 Subbarau (ed. 1909) assigns these lines to Bernardo because of course Horatio would not know these things about the former king. He addresses the issue of inconsistencies in Horatio’s character; see app. (p.xxx).
75 76 77 78 79 80