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60 Together with that faire and warlike forme,1.1.47
1883 macd
60 forme] MacDonald (ed. 1883): “None of them took it as certainly the late king: it was only clear to them that it was like him. Hence they say, ‘usurp’st the forme.’”
1937 pen1
pen1 ≈ macd without attribution
60 Harrison (ed. 1937): “the outward resemblance to the King lately dead.”
1980 pen2
60 Barton (ed. 1980, p. 28), < p. 28> considering the pronounced metatheatricality of the play, includes the ghost’s appearance in the form of the king, “as though he were an actor in a doubtful part. Alarmingly, this may be exactly what he is: an agent of hell impersonating the dead King.”
1993 dent
60 fair and warlike] Andrews (ed. 1993): fair can mean peaceable and benign, as well as good (not evil).