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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3753 Come, another hit. What say you?5.2.285
3754 Laer. <A touch, a touch,> I doe {confest} <confesse>.
1854 del2
3754 I doe confest] Delius (ed. 1854) : “Laertes bekennt, dass Hamlet’s Rapier ihn in diesem Gange getroffen hat.” [Laertes acknowledges that Hamlet’s rapier has pressed him in this pass.]
1857 elze1
3754 A touch, a touch Elze (ed. 1857, 259): <p. 259>"So lesen QA ((Ay, I grant, a touch, a touch)) und FA. QB folgg. bloss: I do confess.—Laertes unterscheidet zwischen ’a hit’ und ’a touch’ und bekennt, dass er wol berührt, aber nicht eigentlich getroffen worden sei." [So reads Q1 ((Ay, I grant, a touch, a touch)) and F1. Q2ff only : I do confess.—Laertes distinguishes bettween ’a hit’ and ’a touch’ and recognizes that he may still have been touched, but not properly struck.]
1867 Ktly
3754 I doe confest] Keightley (1867, p. 298) : <p. 298> “With the 4tos I omit the bracketed words [A touch, a touch,], as needless to the sense and injurious to the measure.” </p. 298>
1877 v1877
v1877 : elze ; ≈ Ktly
3754 I doe confest] Elze (apud Furness, ed. 1877): “Laer. distinguishes between ‘a hit’ and ‘a touch,’ and confesses that he was touched, but not hit.”
1882 elze2
3754 I doe confest] Elze (ed. 1882): “Laertes somewhat sophistically distinguishes between a touch and a hit and only confesses to the former.”
1885 macd
3754 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “Laertes has little interest in the match, but much in his own play.”
1934 Wilson
3754 A touch, a touch] Wilson (1934, 2:245) presents this phrase as omitted in Q2.
3754 I doe confest] Wilson (1934, 2:261): confesse GLO, Cam3 , Ard1
1982 ard2
3753 another hit] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “There is no need for the second hit to be celebrated like the first, and the opportunity afforded by ‘the first or second’ [3728] has been taken already.”
3754 I doe confest] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “A touch, a touch in F and Q1, though more felicitous than most such additions, may be actors’ embroidery.”
3753 3754