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Line 3606, etc. - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3606-7 not tell how: <but> my Lord his Maiestie bad me sig|nifie to you, that a 
1864 ktly
3607 layed] Keightley (ed. 1864 [1866]: Glossary):”lay]] a wager.”
1869 tsch
3606 I cannot tell how] Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “Rümelin hat es Sh. zum Vorwurf gemacht, dass er den Osrick hier inähnlicher Weise aufziehen lässt, wie den Polonius [[3.2.390-400. Indessen ist der dichter doch wohl in Schutz zu nehmen, wenn er in drolligen Episoden dieser Art den einheitlichen Character des Hofes darstellt, und uns nicht nur im jungen Osrick den Anfang des einstigen Polonius entgegenhält, sondern auch in einem neuen Bilde den abstand zwischen der hohlen Etikette, der eleganten Unwahrheit und der gehaltvollen Gesinnung, der ethischen Reife eines Horatio und Hamlet anschaulich macht.” [Rümelin [[?]] Sh. made it a rebuke, that he allows Osrick here to exhibit in a comparable manner as Polonius [[2245-57]]. Meanwhile, the poet as well takes cover when he presents for us the in amusing episodes of this type the main character of the court and doesn’t oppose for us the outset of the former Polonius, and not only in young Osric; on the contrary, even in a new image he makes obvious the disparity between the courtly etiquette, the elegant falseness, and the worthy conviction, the ethical maturity of Horatio and Hamlet.]
1885 macd
3606 my Lord] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “but my Lord]] Not able to go on, he plunges into his message.”
1934 Wilson
3606 my Lord] Wilson (1934, 2:251) sees the Q2 reading as reflecting a “probable” omission of the Ff reading. He observes that POPE and v1821 follow Q2
1939 kit2
3506 I . . . how] Kittredge (ed. 1939): “somehow or other. Theobald points out the resemblance to Juvenal, iii, 102, 103: ‘Igniculum brumae si tempore poscas, Accipit endromidem: si dixeris ‘Aestuo,’ sudat.’”
3606 3607