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Line 2743+43 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2743+43 {Whose spirit with diuine ambition puft,}4.4.50
1569 Taverner
Taverner: Erasmus
2743+43 Taverner (1569, p. 63): "Batell is a swete thinge, to them that neuer assayed it." Taverner tells the reader to go to Erasmus for more on this subject, which could apply to Hamlet and his admiration for Fortinbras.
1812 Lofft
Lofft: Demosthenes analogue
2743+43-2743+47 Whose spirit . . . Egge-shell] Lofft (1812, p. 441): “So Demosthenes to Philip.”
1857 fieb
fieb: xref.
2743+43 puft] Fiebig (ed. 1857): “To puff, to agitate, to swell or blow up. See [1.3.49 (512)]: ‘a puff’d and reckless libertine.’”
1878 rlf1
2743+43 puft] Rolfe (ed. 1878): “Inspired.”
1881 hud2
hud2 = rlf1 + magenta underlined
2743+43 puft] Hudson (ed. 1881): “Puff’d, here, is inspired or animated.”
1903 rlf3
rlf3 = rlf1 for puft
1929 trav
trav: Clutton-Brock
2743+43 diuine] Travers (ed. 1929): “The epithet is in character—the character of the prince described. Hamlet, for the moment (contrast 25-6), with a suppleness by no means foreign to his nature, almost, in Mr. Clutton-Brock’s phrase, ‘dramatizes himself as Fortinbras’.”
trav: AYL //
2743+43 puft] Travers (ed. 1929): “on the other hand, is much in the spirit of ‘the melancholy Jaques,’ describing (AYL [2.7.149-53 (1130-32)]) the soldier, jealous in honour, . . ./Seeking the bubble reputation/Ev’n in the cannon’s mouth.
1980 pen2
2743+43 puft] Spencer (ed. 1980): “(not necessarily derogatory) swollen.”
2006 ard3q2
2743+43 puffed] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “inflated, inspired.”