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Line 2486 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2023-2950 ed. Frank N. Clary
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
2486 {Ger.}<Qu.> Alas hee’s mad.3.4.105
1805 Seymour
2486 Alas . . . mad] Seymour (1805, p.187): “This is interpolated or an ejaculation of the actor.”
1825 European Magazine
"Gunthio" pseudonym (Collier?)
2486 alas hee’s mad] "Gunthio" (1825, p.343) says that Q2/F1 slip in the closet scene “where the Queen exclaims, as if she had just made the discovery, ’Alas, he’s mad’ though she and the whole court had been of that opinion long before.”
Ed. note: The line ends with a period in both Q2 and F1, without emphasis. She recognizes his condition, which in her view goes into and out of a state of madness.
1885 macd
2486 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “The queen cannot see the Ghost. Her conduct has built such a wall between her and her husband that I doubt whether, were she a ghost also, she could see him. Her heart had left him, so they are no more together in the sphere of mutual vision. Neither does the Ghost wish to show himself to her. As his presence is not corporeal, a ghost may be present to but one of a company.”
1913 Trench
2486 Trench (1913, p. 268): In this scene because Gertrude does not see the apparition, the theory that the apparition is no more real than Macbeth’s dagger of the mind has some validity. But that is not true of its first appearances.
1930 Granville-Barker
2486 mad] Granville-Barker (1930, rpt. 1946, 1: 227) points out that she first uses the word ’mad’ here. “For long she does not admit that Hamlet is positively mad.”
1980 pen2
pen2: xrefs.
2486 hee’s mad] Spencer (ed. 1980): “It is clear from this and lines [3.4.131 (2512)] and [3.4.133 (2516)] that the Queen cannot see the Ghost.”