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Line 621+8 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
621+8 {That for some vicious mole of nature in them}1.4.24
621+8, 621+9, 621+10, 621+11, 621+12, 621+13, 621+15
1723- mtby2
621+8 mole] Thirlby (1723-) notes the // in MND 5.1.409 (2193), and he quotes: “And the blots . . .children be.”
621+8 of nature] Thirlby(1723-): “fsql [weak conjecture] or other.
Does he mean this?
1726 theon
621+8 mole] Theobald (1726. pp. 33-4): <p. 33> “What Relation is there betwixt a vicious Mole of Nature, and the Over-growth of a Complexion? Or how can a Vicious Mole be said, or suppos’d, in any Degree to break down the Fences of Reason, or blemish the Understanding? A Mole is an exterior Defect, appearing upon the Surface of the Skin. and the Overgrowth of a Complexion is, as I take it, an unequal Admixture of the Temperaments in the Frame and Composition of our Nature; thro’ which we become faulty by the Defect of some good, or the Redundance of some ill, Quality. I am unwilling to be too positive in my Correction in this Place; but, I think from the Tenour of the Context, there is great Room to conjecture that our Author wrote; ‘So, oft it chances in particular Men, That for some vicious mould of Nature in them, &c.’ When Nature is unequally and viciously moulded, when any Complexion is too predominant, these Accidents may have an </p. 33> <p. 34> Effect both on Constitution, and the Intellectual Faculties too; and then Reason, and the other Powers of the Mind, are impair’d and prejudic’d: And this I conceive to have been the Poet’s Sentiments. To make Amends for my Doubt and Diffidence in this last Conjecture, I’ll venture to be more positive in the Next I attempt. </p.34>
If no one uses his conjecture, it goes in an appendix of never-used conjectures. made note in conjectural emendations doc. No one has it through CALD
1765 Heath
Heath: theon +
621+8 mole] Heath (1765, p. 529): “Mole, is metaphorically used in this place to signify a blemish of any kind. The poet himself explains it a few lines lower, by an expression which exactly corresponds to this, ‘Carrying, I say, the stamp of one defect.’ There is no occasion therefore for Mr. Theobald’s conjecture, who supposes the poet might have written, ‘—vicious mould of nature.
1773 jen
jen: theon
621+8 mole] Jennens (ed. 1773): “T[heobald] would have it mould. Shakespeare restored, p. 33.”
Like Heath, ignores theo1.
1780 mals1
mals1: Luc.
621+8 mole] Steevens (apud Malone, 1780, 1:505 n.9), re Luc. 538-9: “For marks descried in men’s nativity Are nature’s faults, not their own infamy.]] So, in Hamlet [and quotes 621+8-621+9]
1783 mals2
mals2: theon
621+8 mole] Malone (1783, p. 56), “Theobald, without any necessity, altered mole to mould. The reading of the old copies is fully supported by a passage in [Jn. 3.1.47 (968)]: ‘Patch’d with foul moles and eye-offending marks.’”
Ed. note: Theobald did not use his conjecture in his editions; Malone may be relying on Heath.
1790 mal
mal = mals1(Steevens’s Luc. without attribution); mals2
621+8 mole]
1793 v1793
v1793 = mal
621+8 mole]
1803 v1803
v1803 = v1793
621+8 mole]
1813 v1813
v1813 = v1803
621+8 mole]
1819 cald1
cald1: Luc. as in mal +
621+8 mole] Caldecott (ed. 1819): “Natural blemish.”
1821 v1821
v1821 = v1803
621+8 mole]
1826 sing1
sing1: cald1 without attribution
621+8 mole] Singer (ed. 1726): “i.e. spot, blemish.”
1832 cald2
cald2 = cald1
621+8 mole]
1832 cald2
cald2 = warb Lr.
621+8 - 621+10 Caldecott (ed. 1832): “Warburton has in [Lr. 1.2.118ff (447ff)] Edm. . . . observed that it was a fundamental law in judicial astrology, that whatever seeds of good dispositions the infant unborn might be endowed with, either from nature, or traductively from its parents, yet if at the time of its birth, the delivery was by any casualty so accelerated or retarded, as to fall in with predominantly of a malignant constellation, that momentary influence would entirely change nature, and bias it to all the contrary ill qualities.”
1860 Silberschlag
621+8 mole] Silberschlag (Morgenblatt, No. 47, 1860, p. 1109, apud Furness, ed. 1877) “adduces this passage as one of the proofs that King James is designated under the character of Hamlet, and that the ‘vicious mole of nature’ referred to James’s aversion to the sight of a drawn dagger, which was supposed to be derived from the shock his mother experienced, before his birth, at seeing Rizzio assassinated.”
1871 Rushton
Rushton: Lyly’s Euphues, summary of conj.
621+8-621+22 vicious mole . . . his owne scandle] Rushton (1871, pp. 92-3): <p.92> “‘Alas Euphues by how much the more I see the high clymbing of thy capacitie, by so much the more I feare thy fall. The fine Christall is sooner crased then the hard Marble: the greenest Beech, burneth faster then the dryest Oke: the fairest silke is soonest soyled: and the sweetest Wine, tourneth to the sharpest Vinegar. The Pestilence doth most rifest infect the clearest complection, and the Caterpiller cleaueth vnto the ripest fruite: the most delycate witte is allured with small enticement vnto vice, and most subiect to yeelde vnto vanitie. If therefore thou doe but hearken to the Syrenes, thou wilt be enmoured: if thou haunt their houses and places, thou shalt be enchanted. One droppe of poyson infecteth the whole tunne of Wine: one leave of Colloquintida, marreth and spoyleth the whole pot of porredge: one yron Mole, defaceth the whole peece of Lawne.’ </p.92> [Horace]
<p.93>“Shakespeare says, that particular men, owing to some vicious mole of nature in them, or the stamp of one defect, shall in the general censure take corruption from the particular fault,— ‘The dram of eale Doth all the noble substance of a doubt To his own scandal.’
“And Lyly says, one drop of poison infecteth the whole tun of wine, one iron mole defaceth the whole piece of Lawne.
“‘Dram of eale’ may be a misprint or abbreviation of ‘dram of hellebore,’ or ‘ele-bore,’ which old authors speak of as being very poisonous; for example, Stephen Gosson, in his ‘Schoole of Abuse,’ published in 1579, thus speaks of it:— ‘One dramme of Eleborus ransackes every vein.’
“The commentators have given many drams to this passage, including, ‘dram of ease,’ ‘dram of base,’ ‘dram of ill,’ ‘dram of ale,’ ‘dram of lead,’ ‘dram of ail,’ ‘dram of evil,’ ‘drams of vile,’ ‘dram of calce,’ ‘dram of earth.’” </p.93>
1872 cln1
cln1 : standard gloss; Luc.// 538-9 = mal
621+8 mole of nature] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): "natural imperfection.”
1877 v1887
v1877 ≈ Heath; ≈ mal w. Luc. 538; ≈ theon conj. ≈ theo, ≈ Silberschlag (above)
621+8 mole] Furness (ed. 1877): “Heath. A blemish of any kind, exactly corresponding to ‘stamp of one defect,’ in [621+15]. Malone: Compare: For marks descried in men’s nativity Are nature’s faults, not their own infamy—[Luc.] 538. ’Theobald (Sh. Rest. p. 33 suggested mould, i.e. ‘when nature is unequally and viciously moulded, when any complexion is too predominant.’ But he did not repeat it in his edition. . . . ”
1885 macd
621+8 vicious mole] MacDonald (ed. 1885): “A mole on the body, according to the place where it appeared, was regarded as significant of character: In that relation, a vicious mole would be one that indicated some special vice; but here the allusion is to a live mole of constitutional fault, burrowing within, whose presence the mole-heap on the skin indicates.”
1885 macd
621+8-621+11 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “The order here would be: ‘for some vicious mole of nature in them, as by their o’ergrowth, in their birth, wherein they are not guilty, since nature cannot choose his origin (or parentage}—their o’ergrowth of (their being overgrown or possessed by) some complexion, &c.”
1885 macd
621+8-621+13 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “The connection is: ‘That for some vicious mole—As by their o’ergrowth—Or by some habit, &c.’”
1899 ard1
ard1= cald gloss without attribution; theon; + analogue
621+8 mole of nature] Dowden (ed. 1899): “Prof. Hales notes in Greene’s Pandosta: ‘One mole staineth the whole face.’ ”
1939 kit2
kit2: standard
621+8 Kittredge (ed. 1939): "some natural fault which is a blemish."
Ed. note: Kittredge lists the three kinds of blemishes found in the next lines.
1947 cln2
cln2: standard
621+8 vicious mole] Rylands (ed. 1947): "natural blemish."
1953 Joseph
621+8 vicious mole] Joseph (1953, p. 15): “In an age which believed in physiognomy, a ’vicious mole of nature’—a mole on the cheek—could be taken as a sign that its possessor lacked the ultimate perfection, despite whatever else his appearance might testify of his good qualities. . . . For Shakespeare’s age . . . the reputation of the man concerned would be destroyed by the mole betokening an inner defect.”
1957 pel1
pel1: standard
621+8 mole] Farnham (ed. 1957): “blemish, flaw.”
1970 pel2
pel2: standard
621+8 mole] Farnham (ed. 1970): “blemish, flaw”
1980 pen2
pen2: standard
621+8 vicious . . . nature] Spencer (ed. 1980): “natural blemish.”
1982 ard2
ard2: standard
621+8 for] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “on account of.”

ard2: //
621+8 some . . . mole] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “Corresponding to ’the stamp of one defect’ (621+15). The figure has its literal counterpart in Cym. 5.5.364-6, ’Upon his neck a mole . . . that natural stamp.’ ”
1985 cam4
621+8 mole of nature] Edwards (ed. 1985): "natural mark."
1987 oxf4
621+8 for] Hibbard (ed. 1987): "because of."

oxf4cln2 gloss without attribution; ≈ mtby without attribution
621+8 vicious . . . nature] Hibbard (ed. 1987): "i.e. natural blemish constituting a defect of the kind described by Oberon as ‘the blots of nature’s hand’ [MND 5.1.409 (2193)]."
1988 bev2
bev2: standard
621+8 for] Bevington (ed. 1988): “on account of.”

bev2: standard
621+8 mole of nature] Bevington (ed. 1988): “natural blemish in one’s constitution.”
1992 fol2
fol2: standard
621+8 mole of nature] Mowat & Werstine (ed. 1992): “natural fault”
2006 ard3q2
ard3q2: standard; xref
621+8 mole of nature] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “(1) natural mark (birthmark) or blemish, (2) hidden undermining presence (as literally at [859])”