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Line 3260-61 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3260-1 Ham. Tis een so, the hand of little imploiment hath | the {dintier} <daintier> sence 
1819 cald1
cald1 :
3260-1 hand of little employment . . .] Caldecott (ed. 1819) : “i.e. in ‘palm less dulled or staled,’” (1.3.64 [529]) Polon.”
1832 cald2
3260-1 hand of little employment . . .]
1872 cln1
3260 dintier] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872):”softer, more delicate. Compare [Tro. 1.1.59 (92-93)]: ‘Spirit of sense Hard as the palm of ploughman.’”
1877 v1877
v1877 ≈ cln1 (minus “softer, more delicate” and Tro. quotation)
3260 dintier]
v1877 :
3260 sence] Bucknill (apud Furness, ed. 1877): “This line is but half truth. Does custom blunt the fingers of a watchmaker, the eyes of a printer, or the auditory nerve of a musician? Did the grave-digger do his own sombre work with less skill because he had been accustomed to it for thirty years? Custom blunts our sensations to those impressions which we do not attend to, and it sharpens them to those which we do. custom in Ham. himself had sharpened the specualtive faculties which he exercised, while it had dulled the active powers which depend upon that resolution which he did not practise.”
1882 elze2
3261 dintier] Elze (ed. 1882): “dintier, perhaps from want of space, as the line is full.”
1889 Barnett
3261 dintier] Barnett (1889, p. 59): <p. 59> “daintier]] more delicate, finer.” </p. 59>
1906 nlsn
nlsn : standard
3261 dintier] daintier]]
1939 kit2
3261 dintier] Kittredge (ed. 1939): “daintier]]The hand that is unaccustomed to manual labour has more sensitiveness, is less callous.”
1937 pen1a
pen1a : standard
3261 dintier] Harrison (ed. 1937) summarizes: "those who are daintily brought up are the more sensitive."
1951 crg2
crg2 ≈ standard
3261 dintier] Craig (ed. 1954, Glossary)
1957 pel1
pel1 : standard
3261 dintier]
1970 pel2
3261 dintier]
1974 evns1
evns1 ≈ standard
3261 dintier]
1980 pen2
pen2 ≈ standard
3261 dintier]
1982 ard2
ard2 ≈ standard
3261 dintier]
1984 chal
chal : kit2
3260 of little imploiment
1987 oxf4
oxf4 ≈ standard
3261 dintier]
1992 fol2
fol2≈ standard
3261 dintier]
3260 of little imploiment] Mowat & Werstine (ed. 1992):”not frequently used.”
1993 dent
dent ≈ standard
3261 dintier]
3260 3261