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Line 191 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
191 In equall scale waighing delight and dole1.2.13
1731 mtheo2
191 dole] Theobald (24 Feb. 1730; Nichols Illus. 2:514), writing of Tit.3.1.244 (1393) refers to dole in both plays; where Pope had deal, Theobald says, “I read, Dole, i.e. grief. As in Hamlet, p. 313: ‘In equal scale weighing delight and dole.’ ”
1801 Todd/Milton
Todd/Milton: source or analogue
191 delight and dole] Todd (1801, 2:327) refers to this line in Ham. in discussing P.L. “Dole with delight,” 4.894: “Compare also The Rare Triumphs of Loue and Fortune, 1589. ‘Dole and dispaire henceforth be thy delight.’ Todd.”
1826 sing1
sing1 = mtheo2 without attribution
191 dole] Singer (ed. 1826): “i.e.grief.”
1833 valpy
valpysing1 without attribution
191 dole] Valpy (ed. 1833): “Sorrow.”
1872 cln1
cln1 = sing1 without attribution + //
191 dole] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): “So in [MND 5.1.278 (2079)]: ‘What dreadful dole is here!’ The word means the expression of grief, lamentation, in [AYL 1. 2. 130 (293)].”
1877 v1877
v1877: Sandys
191 dole] Sandys (Sh. Illus, by the Dialect of Cornwall, Sh. Soc. Papers, vol. iii. p. 25): “A person in grief is said in Cornwall to be bedoled’”
1880 meik
191 in equal . . . dole] Meikeljohn (ed. 1880): “Here the formality and antithesis verge closely on the ridiculous.”
meik = mtheo2 gloss without attribution +
191 dole] Meikeljohn (ed. 1880): “There are two words with this spelling in English. Dole, a share, from deal, is a purely English word. Webster, in his Land Dirge, has the lines: ‘Call unto his funeral dole The ant, the field-mouse, and the mole.’ Dole (doleful, condole, etc.) is from the O. Fr. doel, Fr. deuil, from Lat. dolor, grief. Cog.: Dolorous.
1885 macd
191 MacDonald (ed. 1885): “weighing out an equal quantity of each.”
† 1st to say it, but is it needed?
1885 mull
mull: standard
191 dole]
1929 trav
trav: standard; contra meik without attribution
191 delight and dole] Travers (ed. 1929): dole “= grief. The double alliteration . . . adds relief to this last balanced antithesis.”
1938 parc
191 dole] Parrott & Craig (ed. 1938): “grief.”
1939 kit2
kit2: standard
191 dole] Kittredge (ed. 1939): "grief."
1947 cln2
cln2: standard
191 dole] Rylands (ed. 1947): "grief."
1958 fol1
191 dole] Wright & LaMar (ed. 1958):“grief.”
1980 pen2
191 In . . . waighing] Spencer (ed. 1980): “weighing out an equal quantity of.”

pen2: standard
191 dole] Spencer (ed. 1980): “grief.”
1982 ard2
ard2: standard
191 dole] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “grief.”
1985 cam4
cam4: standard
191 dole] Edwards (ed. 1985): "grief."
1987 oxf4
191 equall] Hibbard (ed. 1987): "impartial, precisely counterpoising. Compare [2H6 2.1.199-200 (956-7), ’poise the cause in justice’s equal scales, Whose beam stands sure.’ "

oxf4: standard
191 dole]
1988 bev2
bev2: standard
191 dole] Bevington (ed. 1988): “grief.”
2006 ard3q2
ard3q2: standard
191 Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “’balancing joy against an equivalent quantity of sorrow (dole)’”