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Line 479 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
479 The vertue of his {will,} <feare:> but you must feare,1.3.16
Summary: interestingly, until Kittredge, 1939, writers did not think it necessary to gloss "will" as "desire" or "passion." At most it meant "intention."

478 479
1747 warb
479 vertue of his will] Warburton (ed. 1747): “by virtue is meant the simplicity of his will, not virtuous will: and both this and besmerch refer only to soil, and to the soil of craft and insincerity.”
1765 john1
john1 = warb +
479 vertue of his will] Johnson (ed. 1765): “Virtue seems here to comprise both excellence and power, and may be explained the pure effect.
1773 v1773
v1773 = john1
479 vertue of his will]
1774 capn
479 vertue of his will] Capell (1774, 1:1:124) “is —his virtuous will, or virtuous intentions. . . . ”
1778 v1778
v1778: on virtue = john + Green 478;
479 vertue of his will]
1785 Mason
Mason: contrawarb without attribution
479 vertue of his will] Mason (1785, p. 375): “That is, his virtuous intentions . . .”
1785 v1785
479 vertue of his will]
1790 mal
mal = john1 minus warb
479 vertue of his will]
Ed. note: Malone typically omits warb.
1790- mTooke
mTooke: re will
479 vertue of his will] Tooke (ms. notes in ed. 1790): “In the folio ‘Feare’ Why has Malone pub ‘will’? He has not even noticed the change.”
Ed. note: As late as 1790, after Steevens’s publication of the quartos in 1766, Tooke does not know them.
1793 v.1793
v1793 = warb; Steevens, john; Mason
479 vertue of his will]
See 478.
1803 v1803
v1803 = v1793
479 vertue of his will]
1813 v1813
v1813= v1793
479 vertue of his will]
1819 cald1
479 will] Caldecott (ed. 1819): “For will the folios give feare; but will, the reading of the quartos, appears plainly from its recurrence in the next line, to be the true one: and fear must have been the error of the compositor, whose eye caught it from the end of the same line.”
1821 v1821
v1821 = v1813
479 vertue of his will]
1843 col1
479 vertue of his will] “So every quarto: the folios have fear for ‘will,’ which last is evidently the right word. The compositor, perhaps, caught fear from the end of the line.”
1858 col3
col3 = col1 + in magenta underlined
479 will] Collier (ed. 1858): “So every 4to: the folios have fear for ‘will,’ which last is evidently the right word, and for which it is changed in the corr. fo. 1632. The compositor, perhaps, caught fear from the end of the line.”
1860 stau
stau: see note on virtue in 478CN
479 vertue of his will]
1868 c&mc
c&mc: standard
479 vertue of his will] Clarke & Clarke (ed. 1868): “‘The rectitude of his intention.’”
1872 cln1
cln1capn or c&mc without attribution
479 vertue of his will] Clark & Wright (ed. 1872): “his virtuous intention.”
1877 v1887
v1877: john; Mason; stau
479 vertue]
v1877≈ cald on Ff
479 will]
1885 mull
479 feare] Mull (ed. 1885): “reflect.”
1939 kit2
479 will] Kittredge (ed. 1939): "desire."
1947 cln2
479 vertue of his will] Rylands (ed. 1947): "the honour of his passion."
1957 pel1
pel1 = kit2 without attribution
479 will] Farnham (ed. 1957): “desire.”
1970 pel2
pel2 = pel1
479 will] Farnham (ed. 1970): “desire”
1980 pen2
479 will] Spencer (ed. 1980): “(sexual impulse, as well as ’intentions’; and Laertes continues the complex meanings of will by using it in line 17 as ’faculty of making decisions’).”

479 feare] Spencer (ed. 1980): “be anxious about the fact that.”
1982 ard2
ard2: standard + //
479 The vertue . . . will] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “the purity of his intention (with sexual overtones in both nouns). Virtue, moral integrity. Cf. JC 2.1.133, ’do not stain The even virtue of our enterprise’ (in the manner of ’cautelous’ men).”
1987 oxf4
oxf4: standard
479 vertue . . . will] Hibbard (ed. 1987): "honourable nature of his intentions."

479 must feare] Hibbard (ed. 1987): "i.e. have every reason to be uneasy because."
1988 bev2
bev2: standard
479 will] Bevington (ed. 1988): “desire.”
2006 ard3q2
ard3q2: standard
479 The . . . will] Thompson & Taylor (ed. 2006): “the sincerity or purity of his intentions (though will may also carry a sexual sense)”