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1 to 10 of 57 Entries from All Files for "student" in All Fields

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1) Commentary Note for lines 16-17:
16 Bar. Well, good night:
16-17 If you doe meete Horatio and | Marcellus,
17 The riualls of my watch, bid them make hast.
    ... artner, </i> and elsewhere as <i>fellow student.</i> <b>Ed. note:</b> See &#x201 ...
2) Commentary Note for line 32:
32 Mar. Horatio saies tis but our fantasie,
    ... d. 1934): &#x201C;Hor., philosopher and student, may be classed as one of the sc ...
    ... s</sc> (ed. 1947): &#x201C;Horatio is a student and a scholar. His attitude to g ...
3) Commentary Note for line 54:
54 Mar. Thou art a scholler, speake to it Horatio.
    ... oratio</i> a Soldier, who was in Fact a Student at <i>Wittenberg</i>, where an U ...
4) Commentary Note for line 86:
86 Mar. Good now sit downe, and tell me he that knowes,
    ... watch, would require information from a student recently returned from Wittenber ...
5) Commentary Note for line 97:
97 At least the whisper goes so; our last King,
    ... ext scene Hamlet greets him as a fellow student on a visit from Wittenberg (see  ...
6) Commentary Note for line 124+10:
124+10 {As starres with traines of fier, and dewes of blood}
    ... e ordinary reader, or the most exacting student.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla ...
    ... on, and I have to submit to Shakespeare students and editors, that our poet woul ...
7) Commentary Note for line 144:
144 For it is as the ayre, invulnerable,
    ... ge of Simony </i> publicly acted by the students of Saint John's College in Camb ...
8) Commentary Note for line 232:
232 Your leaue and fauour to returne to Fraunce,
    ... ere is no reason to assume Laertes is a student. Moreover, Laertes asks the Doct ...
9) Commentary Note for line 245:
245 Ham. A little more then kin, and lesse then kind.
    ... jingling contrasts is well known to all students of the literature of that age . ...
10) Commentary Note for line 295:
295 In going back to schoole in Wittenberg,
    ... 216;written by an English gentleman, <i>student</i> in <i>Wittenberg</i>,, an <i ...
    ...  such as the tale of Faustus. From this student's life he cannot conceive<small> ...
    ... as the favourite university with Danish students.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn><sigla ...
    ... .12n.) In the decade 1586-95 it had two students named Rosenkrantz and one Gylde ...
    ... hich would make him an unusually mature student by Elizabethan standards. It is  ...
    ... story to designate all the young men as students &#8212;most obviously Hamlet, H ...
    ... a><b>Ed. note:</b> Laertes' status as a student is uncertain. The only study men ...
    ... . Only Hamlet and Horatio are certainly students.</para> <br/>  <hanging><sc>ard ...
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