Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "16"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "16"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    13          And I am sick at hart.1.1.9
    14         Bar. Haue you had quiet guard?1.1.9
    15         Fran. Not a mouse stirring.1.1.10
    16         Bar. Well, good night:1.1.12
    16-7      If you doe meete Horatio and | Marcellus, 
    17          The riualls of my watch, bid them make hast.1.1.13
    18                   Enter Horatio, and Marcellus.1.1.13

  2. [EH]
    14         Bar. Haue you had quiet guard?1.1.9
    15         Fran. Not a mouse stirring.1.1.10
    16         Bar. Well, good night:1.1.12
    16-7      If you doe meete Horatio and | Marcellus, 
    17          The riualls of my watch, bid them make hast.1.1.13
    18                   Enter Horatio, and Marcellus.1.1.13
    19         Fran. I thinke I heare them, {stand ho, who is} <Stand: who's> there?1.1.14

  3. [EH]
    19         Fran. I thinke I heare them, {stand ho, who is} <Stand: who's> there?1.1.14
    20         Hora. Friends to this ground.1.1.15
    21         Mar. And Leedgemen to the Dane,1.1.15
    22         Fran. Giue you good night.1.1.16
    23         Mar. O, farwell honest {souldiers} <Soldier>, who hath relieu'd you?1.1.16
    24-5     Fran. Barnardo {hath} <ha's> my place; giue you good night. | Exit Fran.1.1.17
    26         {Blv} Mar. Holla, Barnardo.1.1.18

  4. [EH]
    20         Hora. Friends to this ground.1.1.15
    21         Mar. And Leedgemen to the Dane,1.1.15
    22         Fran. Giue you good night.1.1.16
    23         Mar. O, farwell honest {souldiers} <Soldier>, who hath relieu'd you?1.1.16
    24-5     Fran. Barnardo {hath} <ha's> my place; giue you good night. | Exit Fran.1.1.17
    26         {Blv} Mar. Holla, Barnardo.1.1.18
    27         Bar. Say, what is Horatio there?1.1.19

  5. [EH]
    124+13 {Was sicke almost to doomesday with eclipse.}1.1.120
    124+14 {And euen the like precurse of feare euents}1.1.121
    124+15 {As harbindgers preceading still the fates}1.1.122
    124+16 {And prologue to the Omen comming on}1.1.123
    124+17 {Haue heauen and earth together demonstrated}1.1.124
    124+18 {Vnto our Climatures and countrymen.}1.1.125
    125                    Enter Ghost <againe>...

  6. [EH]
    191       In equall scale waighing delight and dole1.2.13
    192       Taken to wife: nor haue we heerein bard1.2.14
    193       Your better wisdomes, which haue freely gone1.2.15
    194       With this affaire along (for all our thankes)1.2.16
    195       Now followes that you knowe young Fortinbrasse,1.2.17
    196       Holding a weake supposall of our worth1.2.18
    197       Or thinking by our late deare brothers death1.2.19

  7. [EH]
    476       The inward seruice of the minde and soule1.3.13
    477       Growes wide withall, perhapes he loues you now,1.3.14
    478       And now no soyle nor cautell doth besmirch1.3.15
    479       The vertue of his {will,} <feare:> but you must feare,1.3.16
    480       {C3v}<nn6v> His greatnes wayd, his will is not his owne,1.3.
    481       <For hee himselfe is subiect to his Birth:>1.3.18
    482       He may not as vnualewed persons doe,1.3.19

  8. [EH]
    618        Ham. I marry ist,1.4.13
    619       {But} <And> to my minde, though I am natiue heere1.4.14
    620       And to the manner borne, it is a custome 1.4.15
    621       More honourd in the breach, then the obseruance.1.4.16
    621+1   {This heauy headed reueale east and west}1.4.17
    621+2   {Makes vs tradust, and taxed of other nations,}1.4.18
    621+3   {They clip vs drunkards, and with Swinish phrase}1.4.19

  9. [EH]
    621+13 {Or by some habit, that too much ore-leauens}1.4.29
    621+14 {The forme of plausiue manners, that these men}1.4.30
    621+15 {Carrying I say the stamp of one defect} 1.4.31
    621+16 {D1v} {Being Natures liuery, or Fortunes starre,}1.4.32
    621+17 {His vertues els be they as pure as grace,}1.4.33
    621+18 {As infinite as man may vndergoe,}1.4.34
    621+19 {Shall in the generall censure take corruption}1.4.35

  10. [EH]
    698       Are burnt and purg'd away: but that I am forbid1.5.13
    699       To tell the secrets of my prison house,1.5.14
    700       I could a tale vnfolde whose lightest word 1.5.15
    701       Would harrow vp thy soule, freeze thy young blood,1.5.16
    702       Make thy two eyes like stars start from their spheres,1.5.17
    703       Thy {knotted} <knotty> and combined locks to part,1.5.18
    704       And each particuler haire to stand an end,1.5.19

  11. [EH]
    904       Take you as t'were some distant knowledge of him,2.1.13
    905       {As} <And> thus, I know his father, and his friends, 2.1.14
    906       And in part him, doe you marke this Reynaldo?2.1.15
    907        Rey. I, very well my Lord.2.1.16
    908        Pol. And in part him, but you may say, not well,2.1.17
    909       But y'ft be he I meane, hee's very wilde,2.1.18
    910       Adicted so and so, and there put on him 2.1.19

  12. [EH]
    1033     That you voutsafe your rest heere in our Court2.2.13
    1034     Some little time, so by your companies2.2.14
    1035     To draw him on to pleasures, and to gather2.2.15
    1036     {E3} So much as from {occasion} <Occasions> you may gleane,2.2.16
    1036+1 {Whether ought to vs vnknowne afflicts him thus,}2.2.17
    1037     That opend lyes within our remedie.2.2.18
    1038      Quee. Good gentlemen, he hath much talkt of you,2.2.19

  13. [EH]
    1661      Ros. Niggard of question, but of our demaunds3.1.13
    1662      Most free in his reply.3.1.14
    1663      Quee. Did you assay him to any pastime?3.1.15
    1664      Ros. Maddam, it so fell out that certaine Players3.1.16
    1665     We ore-raught on the way, of these we told him,3.1.17
    1666     And there did seeme in him a kind of ioy3.1.18
    1667     To heare of it: they are {heere} about the Court,3.1.19

  14. [EH]
    2286     To keepe it selfe from noyance, but much more3.3.13
    2287     That spirit, vpon whose {weale} <spirit> depends and rests3.3.14
    2288     The liues of many, the {cesse} <cease> of Maiestie3.3.15
    2289     Dies not alone; but like a gulfe doth draw3.3.16
    2290     What's neere it, with it, {or} it is a massie wheele3.3.17
    2291     Fixt on the somnet of the highest mount,3.3.18
    2292     To whose {hough} <huge> spokes, tenne thousand lesser things3.3.19

  15. [EH]
    2392      {Ger.} <Qu.> Haue you forgot me?3.4.14
    2393      Ham. No by the rood not so,3.4.14
    2394     You are the Queene, your husbands brothers wife,3.4.15
    2395     {And} <But> would {it} <you> were not {so, you} <so. You> are my mother.3.4.16
    2396      {Ger.} <Qu.> Nay, then Ile set those to you that can speake.3.4.17
    2397-8  Ham. Come, come, and sit you downe, you shall not | boudge, 
    2399     You goe not till I set you vp a glasse3.4.19

  16. [EH]
    2600     It had beene so with vs had wee been there,4.1.13
    2601     His libertie is full of threates to all,4.1.14
    2602     To you your selfe, to vs, to euery one,4.1.15
    2603     Alas, how shall this bloody deede be answer'd?4.1.16
    2604     It will be layd to vs, whose prouidence4.1.17
    2605     Should haue kept short, restraind, and out of haunt4.1.18
    2606     This mad young man; but so much was our loue,4.1.19

  17. [EH]
    2679      King. Bring him before vs.4.3.15
    2680      Ros. {How,} <Hoa, Guildensterne?> bring in {the} <my> Lord. {They enter.}4.3.15
    2681     <Enter Hamlet and Guildensterne.>..
    2682      King. Now Hamlet, where's Polonius?4.3.16
    2683      Ham. At supper.4.3.17
    2684      King. At supper, where.4.3.18
    2685-6  Ham. Not where he eates, but where {a} <he> is eaten, a {certaine} <cer-| taine> conua- 

  18. [EH]
    2743+5  {Cap. Against some part of Poland.}4.4.13
    2743+6  {Ham. Who commaunds them sir?}4.4.14
    2743+7  {Cap. The Nephew to old Norway, Fortenbrasse.}4.4.15
    2743+8  {Ham. Goes it against the maine of Poland sir,}4.4.16
    2743+9 {Or for some frontire?}4.4.17
    2743+10  {Cap. Truly to speake, and with no addition,}4.4.18
    2743+11 {We goe to gaine a little patch of ground}4.4.19

  19. [EH]
    2743+13 {To pay fiue duckets, fiue I would not farme it;}4.4.21
    2743+14 {Nor will it yeeld to Norway or the Pole}4.4.22
    2743+15 {A rancker rate, should it be sold in fee.}4.4.23
    2743+16  {Ham. Why then the Pollacke neuer will defend it.}4.4.24
    2743+17  {Cap. Yes, it is already garisond.}4.4.25
    2743+18  {Ham. Two thousand soules, & twenty thousand duckets}4.4.26
    2743+19 {VVill not debate the question of this straw,}4.4.27

  20. [EH]
    2758     Though nothing sure, yet much vnhappily.4.5.13
    2759-60  {Hora.} <Qu.> Twere good she were spoken with, | for shee may strew 
    2760-1 Dangerous coniectures | in ill breeding mindes, 
    2761     Let her come in.4.5.16
    2766                  {Enter Ophelia.}..
    2762      {Quee.} `To my sicke soule, as sinnes true nature is,4.5.17
    2763     `Each toy seemes prologue to some great amisse,4.5.18

  21. [EH]
    3021     My vertue or my plague, be it eyther which,4.7.13
    3022     {She is} <She's> so {concliue} <coniunctiue> to my life and soule,4.7.14
    3023     That as the starre mooues not but in his sphere4.7.15
    3024     I could not but by her, the other motiue,4.7.16
    3025     Why to a publique count I might not goe,4.7.17
    3026     Is the great loue the generall gender beare him,4.7.18
    3027     Who dipping all his faults in theyr affection,4.7.19

  22. [EH]
    3078+13 {Yet needfull to, for youth no lesse becomes}4.7.79
    3078+14 {The light and carelesse liuery that it weares}4.7.80
    3078+15 {Then setled age, his sables, and his weedes} 
    3078+16 {Importing health and grauenes; two months since} 
    3078     <Some two Monthes hence>4.7.68
    3079     Heere was a gentleman of Normandy,4.7.82
    3080     {I haue} <I'ue> seene my selfe, and seru'd against the French, 30804.7.83

  23. [EH]
    3513     My sea-gowne scarft about me in the darke5.2.13
    3514     Gropt I to find out them, had my desire,5.2.14
    3515     Fingard their packet, and in fine with-drew5.2.15
    3516     To mine owne roome againe, making so bold5.2.16
    3517     {N1v} My feares forgetting manners to {vnfold} <vnseale>5.2.17
    3518     Their graund commission; where I found Horatio5.2.18
    3519     {A} <Oh> royall knauery, an exact command5.2.19

  24. [EH]
    3610+13  {Cour. Your Lordship speakes most infallibly of him.}5.2.121
    3610+14  {Ham. The concernancy sir, why doe we wrap the gentleman in}5.2.123
    3610+15 {our more rawer breath?}5.2.123
    3610+16  {Cour. Sir.}5.2.124
    3610+17  {Hora. Ist not possible to vnderstand in another tongue, you will}5.2.126
    3610+18 {doo't sir really.}5.2.126
    3610+19  {Ham. What imports the nomination of this gentleman.}5.2.128