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241 to 250 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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241) Commentary Note for line 846:
846-7 Ham. {Ha,} <Ah> ha, boy, say'st thou so, art thou there {trupenny} <true- |penny>?
    ... ess as here used by Shakespeare in refer ...
    ... always fancied that Shakespeare intended ...
242) Commentary Note for line 853:
853 Ham. Hic, & vbique, then weele shift {our} <for> ground:
    ... tic predecessors of Shakespeare were ver ...
    ... tches of Latin, and Shakespeare yielded  ...
    ... we might infer that Shakespeare retained ...
243) Commentary Note for line 863:
863 There are more things in heauen and earth Horatio
    ...  whole Speech in my SHAKESPEARE <i>resto ...
244) Commentary Note for line 870:
870 With armes incombred thus, or {this} <thus,> head shake,
    ... in kenebowe</i>. If Shakespeare could ha ...
    ... larly associated by Shakespeare and othe ...
    ... ent reading is that Shakespeare wrote <i ...
245) Commentary Note for line 871:
871 Or by pronouncing of some doubtfull phrase,
    ... nnot easily see why Shakespeare should w ...
246) Commentary Note for line 874:
874 Or such ambiguous giuing out, to note)
    ... e more correct; but Shakespeare was not  ...
    ... ays: &#x201C;Though Shakespeare uses the ...
247) Commentary Note for line 879:
879 Ham. Rest, rest, perturbed spirit: so Gentlemen,
    ... t out, that, though Shakespeare was cert ...
    ... rnal of the British Shakespeare Associat ...
248) Commentary Note for line 885:
885 The time is out of ioynt, ô cursed spight
    ... is clear to me what Shakespeare has set  ...
249) Commentary Note for line 887:
887 Nay come, lets goe together. Exeunt.
    ... rhaps no author but Shakespeare could ha ...
250) Commentary Note for line 890:
890 Pol. Giue him {this} <his> money, and these notes Reynaldo.
    ... i>)  and is used by Shakespeare in <i>Ot ...

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