Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "846-7"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "846-7"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    844        Ham. Indeede vppon my sword, indeed.1.5.148
    845       {Ghost cries vnder the Stage.}1.5.149
    845        Ghost. Sweare. <Ghost cries vnder the Stage.>1.5.149
    846-7    Ham. {Ha,} <Ah> ha, boy, say'st thou so, art thou there {trupenny} <true-| penny>? 
    847       Come {on,} <one> you heare this fellowe in the Sellerige,1.5.151
    848       Consent to sweare.1.5.152
    849        Hora. Propose the oath my Lord.1.5.152

  2. [EH]
    1843     To England send him: or confine him where3.1.186
    1844     Your wisedome best shall thinke.3.1.187
    1845      King. It shall be so,3.1.187
    1846-7 Madnes in great ones must not {vnmatcht} <vnwatch'd> goe.        | Exeunt. 
    1848     Enter Hamlet, and <two or > three of the Players...
    1849-50  Ham. Speake the speech I pray you as I {pronoun'd} <pronounc'd> | it to you, trip- 
    1850-1 pingly on the tongue, but if you mouth it | as many of {our} <your> Players do,