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21 to 30 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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21) Commentary Note for line 85:
85 This bodes some strange eruption to our state.
22) Commentary Note for line 91:
91 Why such impresse of ship-writes, whose sore taske
23) Commentary Note for line 96:
96 Hora. That can I.
24) Commentary Note for line 98:
98 Whose image euen but now appear'd to vs,
25) Commentary Note for line 99:
99 Was as you knowe by Fortinbrasse of Norway,
26) Commentary Note for line 101:
101 Dar'd to the combat; in which our valiant Hamlet,
27) Commentary Note for line 103:
103 Did slay this Fortinbrasse, who by a seald compact
28) Commentary Note for line 104:
104 Well ratified by lawe and {heraldy} <Heraldrie,>
29) Commentary Note for line 105:
105 Did forfait (with his life) all {these} <those> his lands {B2v}
30) Commentary Note for line 107:
107 Against the which a moitie competent

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