Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "104"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "104"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    101       Dar'd to the combat; in which our valiant Hamlet,1.1.84
    102       (For so this side of our knowne world esteemd him)1.1.85
    103       Did slay this Fortinbrasse, who by a seald compact1.1.86
    104       Well ratified by lawe and {heraldy} <Heraldrie,>1.1.87
    105       {B2v} Did forfait (with his life) all {these} <those> his lands1.1.88
    106       Which he stood seaz'd {of} <on>, to the conquerour.1.1.89
    107       Against the which a moitie competent1.1.90

  2. [EH]
    118       {As} <And> it doth well appeare vnto our state1.1.101
    119       But to recouer of vs by strong hand1.1.102
    120       And tearmes {compulsatory} <Compulsatiue>, those foresaid lands1.1.103
    121       So by his father lost; and this I take it,1.1.104
    122       Is the maine motiue of our preparations1.1.105
    123       The source of this our watch, and the chiefe head1.1.106
    124       Of this post hast and Romadge in the land.1.1.107

  3. [EH]
    283       Take it to hart, fie, tis a fault to heauen,1.2.101
    284       A fault against the dead, a fault to nature,1.2.102
    285       To reason most absurd, whose common theame1.2.103
    286       Is death of fathers, and who still hath cryed1.2.104
    287       From the first {course} <Coarse>, till he that died to day1.2.105
    288       This must be so: we pray you throw to earth1.2.106
    289       This vnpreuailing woe, and thinke of vs 1.2.107

  4. [EH]
    567        Pol. Affection, puh, you speake like a greene girle1.3.101
    568       Vnsifted in such perrilous circumstance,1.3.102
    569       Doe you belieue his tenders as you call them?1.3.103
    570        Ophe. I doe not knowe my Lord what I should thinke.1.3.104
    571        Pol. Marry {I will} <Ile> teach you, thinke your selfe a babie1.3.105
    572       That you haue tane {these} <his> tenders for true pay1.3.106
    573       Which are not {sterling,} <starling.> tender your selfe more dearely1.3.107

  5. [EH]
    786       That youth and obseruation coppied there,1.5.101
    787       And thy commandement all alone shall liue,1.5.102
    788       Within the booke and volume of my braine1.5.103
    789       Vnmixt with baser matter, yes <, yes,> by heauen,1.5.104
    790       O most pernicious woman. 
    791       O villaine, villaine, smiling damned villaine,1.5.106
    792       My tables, <my Tables;> meet it is I set it downe1.5.107

  6. [EH]
    1001     <Oo2v> And leades the will to desperat vndertakings2.1.
    1002     As oft as any {passions} <passion> vnder heauen2.1.102
    1003     That dooes afflict our natures: I am sorry,2.1.103
    1004     What, haue you giuen him any hard words of late?2.1.104
    1005      Oph. No my good Lord, but as you did commaund2.1.105
    1006     I did repell his letters, and denied2.1.106
    1007     His accesse to me.2.1.107

  7. [EH]
    1757     There my Lord.3.1.101
    1758      Ham. Ha, ha, are you honest.3.1.102
    1759      Oph. My Lord.3.1.103
    1760      Ham. Are you faire?3.1.104
    1761      Oph. What meanes your Lordship?3.1.105
    1762-3  Ham. That if you be honest & faire, {you} <your Honesty> | should admit 
    1763     no discourse to your beautie.3.1.107

  8. [EH]
    1953-4 You playd once | i'th Vniuersitie you say, 
    1955-6  Pol. That {did I} <I did> my Lord, and was accounted a good | Actor, 
    1957      Ham. <And> What did you enact?3.2.102
    1958      Pol. I did enact Iulius Cæsar, I was kild i'th Capitall,3.2.104
    1959     Brutus kild mee.3.2.104
    1960-1  Ham. It was a brute part of him to kill so capitall a | calfe there, 
    1961     Be the Players readie?3.2.106

  9. [EH]
    1955-6  Pol. That {did I} <I did> my Lord, and was accounted a good | Actor, 
    1957      Ham. <And> What did you enact?3.2.102
    1958      Pol. I did enact Iulius Cæsar, I was kild i'th Capitall,3.2.104
    1959     Brutus kild mee.3.2.104
    1960-1  Ham. It was a brute part of him to kill so capitall a | calfe there, 
    1961     Be the Players readie?3.2.106
    1962      Ros. I my Lord, they stay vpon your patience.3.2.107

  10. [EH]
    2482     Enter Ghost...
    2483      Ham. A King of shreds and patches,3.4.102
    2484     Saue me and houer ore me with your wings3.4.103
    2485     You heauenly gards: what would {your} <you> gracious figure?3.4.104
    2486      {Ger.} <Qu.> Alas hee's mad.3.4.105
    2487      Ham. Doe you not come your tardy sonne to chide,3.4.106
    2488     That lap'st in time and passion lets goe by3.4.107

  11. [EH]
    2840     Eates not the flats with more impitious hast4.5.101
    2841     Then young Laertes in a riotous head4.5.102
    2842     Ore-beares your Officers: the rabble call him Lord,4.5.103
    2843     And as the world were now but to beginne,4.5.104
    2844     Antiquity forgot, custome not knowne,4.5.105
    2845     The ratifiers and props of euery word,4.5.106
    2846     {The} <They> cry choose we{,} <?> Laertes shall be King,4.5.107

  12. [EH]
    3099+1 {He swore had neither motion, guard, nor eye,}4.7.101
    3099+2 {If you opposd them;} sir this report of his 
    3100     Did Hamlet so enuenom with his enuy,4.7.103
    3101     That he could nothing doe but wish and beg4.7.104
    3102     Your sodaine comming ore to play with {you.} <him;>4.7.105
    3103     Now out of this.4.7.106
    3104      Laer. {What} <Why> out of this my Lord?4.7.106

  13. [EH]
    3605-6  {Cour.} <Osr.> Exceedingly my Lord, it is very soultery, as t'were | I can- 
    3606-7 not tell how: <but> my Lord his Maiestie bad me {signifie} <sig-| nifie> to you, that {a} <he> 
    3607-8 has layed a great wager on your head, | sir this is the matter. 
    3609      Ham. I beseech you remember.5.2.104
    3610      {Cour.} <Osr.> Nay {good my Lord} <in good faith,> for {my} <mine> ease in good faith, {sir here is newly}5.2.105
    3610+1 {com to Court Laertes, belieue me an absolute gentlemen, ful of most}5.2.107
    3610+2 {N2v} {excellent differences, of very soft society, and great showing: in-}5.2.108