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351 to 360 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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351) Commentary Note for line 804:
804 Mar. How {i'st} <ist't> my noble Lord? {D4}
    ... e </sc>(Lectures on Shakespeare and Educ ...
352) Commentary Note for line 814:
814 Ham. There's {neuer} <nere> a villaine,
814 Dwelling in all Denmarke
    ... e </sc>(Lectures on Shakespeare and Educ ...
353) Commentary Note for line 815:
815 But hee's an arrant knaue.
    ... /i>) always used by Shakespeare with nou ...
354) Commentary Note for line 819:
819 And so without more circumstance at all
    ... re, as elsewhere by Shakespeare, used in ...
    ... ses of this term in Shakespeare, includi ...
355) Commentary Note for line 829:
829 Ham. Yes by Saint Patrick but there is {Horatio} <my Lord>,
    ... ince of Denmark. As Shakespeare gave the ...
    ... n.</sc> &#x201C;The Shakespearian Ghost, ...
    ...  &#x201C;In a word, Shakespeare could ha ...
    ... ton, <i>Ireland and Shakespeare,</i>  19 ...
    ... all three texts) is Shakespeare's only r ...
356) Commentary Note for line 831:
831 It is an honest Ghost that let me tell you,
    ... ion] that underlies Shakespeare's thinki ...
357) Commentary Note for line 842:
842 Ham. Vppon my sword. {D4v}
    ... ote in Johnson's <i>Shakespeare</i>.&#x2 ...
    ... Bath in the time of Shakespeare ended th ...
    ... gious ceremony, but Shakespeare attended ...
358) Commentary Note for line 845:
845 {Ghost cries vnder the Stage.}
845 Ghost. Sweare. <Ghost cries vnder the Stage.>
    ... religion,&#8212;and Shakespeare's conseq ...
    ... e stage: &#x201C;If Shakespeare did not  ...
    ...  characteristically Shakespearean, serio ...
    ... ly other example of Shakespeare's use of ...
359) Commentary Note for line 846:
846-7 Ham. {Ha,} <Ah> ha, boy, say'st thou so, art thou there {trupenny} <true- |penny>?
    ... d and reputation of Shakespeare, being p ...
    ...  by authors besides Shakespeare, by Nash ...
    ... ess as here used by Shakespeare in refer ...
    ... always fancied that Shakespeare intended ...
    ... r contemporary with Shakespeare; and Joh ...
    ... n. rev. &#x201C;The Shakespearian Ghost, ...
    ... ll>not elsewhere in Shakespeare."</small ...
360) Commentary Note for line 847:
847 Come {on,} <one> you heare this fellowe in the Sellerige,
    ... ll>not elsewhere in Shakespeare.  Could  ...

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