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71 to 80 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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71) Commentary Note for line 754:
754 And curde like {eager} <Aygre> droppings into milke,
72) Commentary Note for line 762:
762 2352 Vnhuzled, disappointed, {vnanueld} <vnnaneld>,
73) Commentary Note for line 765:
765 O horrible, ô horrible, most horrible.
74) Commentary Note for line 776:
776 Adiew, adiew, {adiew,} <Hamlet:> remember me. <Exit>
75) Commentary Note for line 783:
783 Yea, from the table of my memory
76) Commentary Note for line 792:
792 My tables, <my Tables;> meet it is I set it downe
77) Commentary Note for line 819:
819 And so without more circumstance at all
78) Commentary Note for line 842:
842 Ham. Vppon my sword. {D4v}
79) Commentary Note for line 845:
845 {Ghost cries vnder the Stage.}
845 Ghost. Sweare. <Ghost cries vnder the Stage.>
80) Commentary Note for line 846:
846-7 Ham. {Ha,} <Ah> ha, boy, say'st thou so, art thou there {trupenny} <true- |penny>?

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