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121 to 130 of 4573 Entries from All Files for "john" in All Fields

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121) Commentary Note for line 577:
577 In honorable fashion.
122) Commentary Note for line 588:
588 Set your {intreatments} <entreatments> at a higher rate
123) Commentary Note for line 591:
591 And with a larger {tider} <tether> may he walke
124) Commentary Note for line 592:
592 Then may be giuen you: in fewe Ophelia,
125) Commentary Note for line 593:
593 Doe not belieue his vowes, for they are brokers
126) Commentary Note for line 596:
596 Breathing like sanctified and pious bonds
127) Commentary Note for line 598:
598 I would not in plaine tearmes from this time foorth
128) Commentary Note for line 599:
599 Haue you so slaunder any moment leasure {D1}
129) Commentary Note for line 605:
605 Hora. It is <a> nipping, and an eager ayre.
130) Commentary Note for line 612:
612 Ham. The King doth wake to night and takes his rowse.

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