Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "599"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "599"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    596       Breathing like sanctified and pious bonds1.3.130
    597       The better to {beguide:} <beguile.> this is for all,1.3.131
    598       I would not in plaine tearmes from this time foorth1.3.132
    599       {D1} Haue you so slaunder any moment leasure1.3.133
    600       As to giue words or talke with the Lord Hamlet, 1.3.134
    601       Looke too't I charge you, come your wayes.1.3.135
    602        Ophe. I shall obey my Lord. Exeunt.1.3.136

  2. [EH]
    1636     Before mine Vncle, Ile obserue his lookes,2.2.596
    1637     Ile tent him to the quicke, if {a doe} <he but> blench2.2.597
    1638     I know my course. The spirit that I haue seene2.2.598
    1639     May be {a deale} <the Diuell>, and the {deale} <Diuel> hath power2.2.599
    1640     T'assume a pleasing shape, yea, and perhaps,2.2.600
    1641     Out of my weakenes, and my melancholy,2.2.601
    1642     As he is very potent with such spirits,2.2.602