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1) Commentary Note for line 1:
The Tragedie of 0{B1r} <nn4v>
Prince of Denmarke.
1 <Actus Primus. Scœna Prima.> 1.1
2) Commentary Note for lines 16-17:
16 Bar. Well, good night:
16-17 If you doe meete Horatio and | Marcellus,
17 The riualls of my watch, bid them make hast.
3) Commentary Note for line 28:
28 Hora. A peece of him.
4) Commentary Note for line 38:
38 He may approoue our eyes and speake to it.
5) Commentary Note for line 40:
40 Bar. Sit downe a while,
6) Commentary Note for line 43:
43 What we {haue two nights} <two Nights haue> seene.
7) Commentary Note for lines 51-52:
51 {Enter Ghost.}
51-52 Mar. Peace, breake thee of, <Enter the Ghost.> | looke where it comes againe.
8) Commentary Note for line 56:
56 Hora. Most like, it {horrowes} <harrowes> me with feare and wonder.
9) Commentary Note for line 57:
57 Bar. It would be spoke {to} <too>.
10) Commentary Note for line 62:
62 Did sometimes march, by heauen I charge thee speake.
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