Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "284"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "284"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    281       {C1} As any the most vulgar thing to sence,1.2.99
    282       Why should we in our peuish opposition1.2.100
    283       Take it to hart, fie, tis a fault to heauen,1.2.101
    284       A fault against the dead, a fault to nature,1.2.102
    285       To reason most absurd, whose common theame1.2.103
    286       Is death of fathers, and who still hath cryed1.2.104
    287       From the first {course} <Coarse>, till he that died to day1.2.105

  2. [EH]
    2153     For thou doost know oh Damon deere3.2.281
    2154     This Realme dismantled was3.2.283
    2154-5 Of Ioue himselfe, | and now raignes heere 
    2156     A very very paiock.3.2.284
    2157      Hora. You might haue rym'd.3.2.285
    2158-9  Ham. O good Horatio, Ile take the Ghosts word for | a thousand 
    2159     pound. Did'st perceiue?3.2.287

  3. [EH]
    3478     Millions of Acres on vs, till our ground5.1.281
    3479     Sindging his pate against the burning Zone5.1.282
    3480     {N1} Make Ossa like a wart, nay and thou'lt mouthe,5.1.283
    3481     Ile rant as well as thou.5.1.284
    3482      {Quee.} <Kin.> This is meere madnesse,5.1.284
    3483     And {this} <thus> a while the fit will worke on him,5.1.285
    3484     Anon as patient as the female Doue5.1.286

  4. [EH]
    3479     Sindging his pate against the burning Zone5.1.282
    3480     {N1} Make Ossa like a wart, nay and thou'lt mouthe,5.1.283
    3481     Ile rant as well as thou.5.1.284
    3482      {Quee.} <Kin.> This is meere madnesse,5.1.284
    3483     And {this} <thus> a while the fit will worke on him,5.1.285
    3484     Anon as patient as the female Doue5.1.286
    3485     When that her golden {cuplets} <Cuplet> are disclosed5.1.287

  5. [EH]
    3748      King. Stay, giue me drinke, | Hamlet this pearle is thine.5.2.282
    3750     Heeres to thy health: giue him the cup.5.2.283
    3751                  <Trumpets sound, and shot goes off.>..
    3752      Ham. Ile play this bout first, set {it} by a while5.2.284
    3753     Come, another hit.      What say you?5.2.285
    3754      Laer. <A touch, a touch,> I doe {confest} <confesse>.5.2.286
    3755      King. Our sonne shall winne.5.2.287