Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "178"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "178"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    175                    <Scena Secunda.>..
    176       {Florish.} Enter Claudius, King of Denmarke, {Gertradt he} <Gertrude the> Queene,..
    177       <Hamlet> {Counsaile: as} Polonius, {and his Sonne} Laertes, <and his Sister O->..
    178       <phelia, Lords Attendant> {Hamlet, Cum Alijs}...
    179        {Claud.} <King.> Though yet of Hamlet our deare brothers death1.2.1
    180       The memorie be greene, and that it vs befitted1.2.2
    181       To beare our harts in griefe, and our whole Kingdome,1.2.3

  2. [EH]
    363       Weele teach you {for} to drinke <deepe,> ere you depart.1.2.175
    364       {C2}  Hora. My Lord, I came to see your fathers funerall.1.2.176
    365        Ham. I {prethee} <pray thee> doe not mocke me fellowe studient,1.2.177
    366       I thinke it was to <see> my mothers wedding.1.2.178
    367        Hora. Indeede my Lord it followed hard vppon.1.2.179
    368        Ham. Thrift, thrift, Horatio, the funerall bak't meates1.2.180
    369       Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables,1.2.181

  3. [EH]
    871       Or by pronouncing of some doubtfull phrase,1.5.175
    872       As well, {well,} we knowe, or we could and if we would,1.5.176
    873       Or if we list to speake, or there be and if {they} <there> might,1.5.177
    874       Or such ambiguous giuing out, to note)1.5.178
    875       <Oo2> That you knowe ought of me, this {doe sweare,} <not to doe:>1.5.
    876       So grace and mercy at your most neede helpe you.1.5.180
    877       <Sweare.>..

  4. [EH]
    1832     What thinke you on't?3.1.175
    1833      Pol. It shall doe well.3.1.176
    1833-4 But yet doe I belieue | the origin and comencement of {his} <this> greefe, 
    1835     Sprung from neglected loue: How now Ophelia?3.1.178
    1836     You neede not tell vs what Lord Hamlet said,3.1.179
    1837     We heard it all: my Lord, doe as you please,3.1.180
    1838     But if you hold it fit, after the play,3.1.181

  5. [EH]
    2043     Honord, belou'd, and haply one as kind,3.2.176
    2044     For husband shalt thou{.} <------>3.2.177
    2045      {Quee} <Bap>.. O confound the rest,3.2.177
    2046     Such loue must needes be treason in my brest,3.2.178
    2047     In second husband let me be accurst,3.2.179
    2048     None wed the second, but who kild the first. {Ham. That's}3.2.180
    2049      <Ham. Wormwood, Wormwood.>3.2.181

  6. [EH]
    2551     That I must be their scourge and minister,3.4.175
    2552     I will bestowe him and will answere well3.4.176
    2553     The death I gaue him; so againe good night3.4.177
    2554     I must be cruell only to be kinde,3.4.178
    2555     {This} <Thus> bad beginnes, and worse remaines behind.3.4.179
    2555+1 {One word more good Lady.}3.4.180
    2556      {Ger.} <Qu.> What shall I doe?3.4.180

  7. [EH]
    3361-2 son dead body, heer's a scull {now hath lyen you} | <now: this Scul, has laine> i'th earth {23.} <three & twenty> yeeres. 
    3363      Ham. Whose was it?5.1.175
    3364-5  Clow. A whorson mad fellowes it was, | whose do you think it was? 
    3366      Ham. Nay I know not.5.1.178
    3367-8  Clow. A {pestilence} <pestlence> on him for a madde rogue, a pourd a | flagon of 
    3368-9 Renish on my head once; this same skull | sir, <this same Scull sir,> was {sir} Yoricks skull, the 
    3369     Kings Iester.5.1.181

  8. [EH]
    3639-40 {is} <'tis> the breathing time of day with me, let | the foiles be brought, the 
    3640-1 Gentleman willing, and the | King hold his purpose; I will winne 
    3641-2 for him {and} <if> I can, if | not, {I will} <Ile> gaine nothing but my shame, and 
    3642     the odde hits.5.2.178
    3643      {Cour.} <Osr.> Shall I {deliuer} <redeliuer> you <ee'n> so?5.2.179
    3644-5  Ham. To this effect sir, after what florish your {nature} <na-| ture> will. 
    3646      {Cour.} <Osr.> I commend my duty to your Lordshippe.5.2.182