Found the following entries referring to line 3641-2

View Commentary Note for 3640, etc.
3640-1 Gentleman willing, and the | King hold his purpose; I will winne 3640-1 
3641-2 for him {and} <if> I can, if | not, {I will} <Ile> gaine nothing but my shame, and 
3642 the odde hits.5.2.178

View Immaterial Textual Note for 3640, etc.
3640-1 Gentleman willing, and the | King hold his purpose; I will winne 3640-1 
3641-2 for him {and} <if> I can, if | not, {I will} <Ile> gaine nothing but my shame, and 
3642 the odde hits.5.2.178

View Material Textual Note for 3640, etc.
3640-1 Gentleman willing, and the | King hold his purpose; I will winne 3640-1 
3641-2 for him {and} <if> I can, if | not, {I will} <Ile> gaine nothing but my shame, and 
3642 the odde hits.5.2.178