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Line 175 - Commentary Note (CN) More Information

Notes for lines 0-1017 ed. Bernice W. Kliman
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
175 <Scena Secunda.>..
Ed. note: Editors often place the second scene in a castle or palace. According to the Century Dictionary, castle implies fortification, often a larger unit than one building, while palace implies an individual large and grand residence, a royal dwelling.
1980 pen2
175 Spencer (ed. 1980): “It is not stated when exactly the marriage of Claudius and Gertrude, and their coronation, took place. This scene seems to be the first formal gathering after these events. We are perhaps given the impression that the Ghost began to walk three nights before, at the same time as the festivities commenced.”
2000 SQ
175 Scena Secunda Holland (SQ 2000, p. 28), speaking of the variants between the 1708 trial sheets of Tmp. and the 1709 version, asserts: “Nothing better epitomizes the direction Rowe was beginning to move in with the presentation of the Shakespearean text than the first words to appear beneath the play’s half-title. Where in 1708 Rowe followed F2 and printed ‘Actus Primus. Scaena Prima.,’ in 1709 the play opens with the kind of heading standard in any Restoration play quarto, including those of Rowe’s own plays: ‘act I. Scene I.’ This emphatic removal of the play from the classical model, itself no doubt part of the influence on F1 of the 1616 Ben Jonson Folio, repositions Shakespeare as a contemporary dramatist, no different in this respect at least, from, say, William Congreve, whose collected works Tonson would publish the following year.”