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Notes for lines 2951-end ed. Hardin A. Aasand
For explanation of sigla, such as jen, see the editions bib.
3371 Clow. Een that.5.1.183
3372-3 Ham. <Let me see.> Alas poore Yoricke, I knew him Ho|ratio, a fellow of infinite5.1.184
mtby2 1723-
3372-75 Thirlby (1723-): “You might know him & he might bear you upon his back, but you could be no great judge of his wit v.v. 9, 10 & p. 454. 14-20 [3361-62; 3334-39] 32,3. [3351-52].sed [but] n.b. man & boy w[hi]ch may be thought to solve all how so?”
1789 Short Criticism
3372-83 Anon (1789, 19): “The soliloquy [by Kemble] over Yorick’s grave is given in the performer’s best manner.”
1841 knt1
3372 Let me see Knight (ed. 1841): “supersedes the stage direction of ‘takes the scull.’”
1844 dyce
dyce: col1
3372 Alas] Dyce (1844, p. 219): “Let me see. Alas]] When Mr. Collier inserted, from the folio, the words ‘Let me see,’ he ought to have placed the stage-direction ‘Takes the Scullafter them [see 3370]; for it is very evident that while Hamlet speaks these words, he has not yet taken the scull.”
1845 Hunter
3372 Alas poore Yoricke] Hunter (1845, 2:263): “The folios have before this exclamation the words ‘Let me see;’which I mention not so much for the value of this special instance, as to observe that there are few scenes in the modern editions which more require to be revised and compared with the ancient copies than this. No small portion of the true spirit of the original is lost.”
1857 elze1
3372 Let me see Elze (ed. 1857): "sie finden sich jedoch übereinstimmend in QA und den Fs." ["They are found however corresponding in Q1 and the Ff."]
1860 mhal1
mhal1: Q1
3372-82 Halliwell (1860) marks the Q1CLN 2008-14 equivalent as “mutilated.”
1869 tsch
3372 knew] Tschischwitz (ed. 1869): “Manche Erklärer finden es auffallend, dass H. sich an Ereignisse erinnert, die vor seinem siebenten Jahre liegen. Das aber kann kaum befremden, wenn man bedenkt, dass der Spassmacher seines Vaters, der ihn überdies tausendmal auf seinem Rücken geragen, für den Knaben eine Person von lebhaftem Interesse gewesen sein muss. Ebensowenig leutet ein, warum Hamlet bereits das Jünglingsalter erreicht haben müsse, wenn er habe Yorick an der Tafel seines Vaters sehen und dessen Spässe belachen sollen. Einem siebenjährigen Prinzen konnte der Aufenthalt in der Halle während des Banketts schon gestattet sein, auch wenn er nicht mit an der Festtafel sass.” [Many commentators find it remarkable that Hamlet remembers an event which preceeded his 7th year. But this can be barely astonishing if one thinks that his father’s clown, who bore him over a thousand times upon his back, must have been a person of lively interest for a youth. Even so slightly, one is illuminated as to why Hamlet already must have reached his adolescence when he saw Yorick at his father’s table and laughed at the jokes. A seven-year-old prince could have been seated at the hall during the banquets, even if he didn’t sit at the banquet table.]
1877 v1877
v1877 = knt1
3372 Let me see
1877 Gervinus
3372 Alas poore Yoricke] Gervinus (1877, p. 574): “The words, ‘Alas, poor Yorick!’ which Hamlet utters in the churchyard with better tears, in the superabundant emotion of his soul, have become a sort of fruitful source spread like an epidemic in England and Germany. Sterne, prompted by these words, wrote his (Yorick’s) ‘Sentimental Journey,’ and this book operated like the opening of a sluice, letting loose the whole stream of sensibility, which at that time poured like a flood over the Germanic lands.”
1900 ev1
3372 Alas poore Yoricke] Herford (ed. 1900): "It has been conjectured very plausibly that ’Hamlet’s elegy on Yorick embodied a regretful remembrance of the great jester’ Tarleton ((d. 1588)). L."
1934 Wilson
3372 Alas poore Yoricke] Wilson (1934, 2:248) characterizes the F1 addition as “certainly omitted” in Q2.
1982 ard2
3372 Alas poore Yoricke] Jenkins (ed. 1982): “Does an echo linger in Shakespeare’s mind of ‘Alas, poor York’, etc. ((3H6)) [1.4.84 {547)]?”
1985 cam4
cam4 ≈
3372 Let me see Edwards (ed. 1985): “So F. Q2 omits, and it is likely that the phrase was not in Shakespeare’s ‘foul-papers’ but added during the transcription of his MS. in preparation for stage-performance. The phrase ranks with the earlier entry of Hamlet and Horatio at [3245] as a necessary tidying of the stage-action, and is for that reason included here. The phrase is also in Q1.”
1987 oxf4
oxf4cam4 without attribution
3372 Let me see Hibbard (ed. 1987): “Q1’s let me see it shows that these words were spoken on Shakespeare’s stage.”
2007 Hunt
3371-3 Hunt (2007, pp. 81, 88) <p. 81> reflects on Hamlet’s fascination with Yorick’s skull, which foregrounds his own as well as Hamlet’s “preoccupation with subjectivity.” </p. 81> <p. 88> He goes on to extrapolate from biographical details that Shakespeare’s writing of Hamlet was an attempt to ’exorcise’ the death of his own son.
3371 3372 3373