For instance, in 79 “ He smote the sledded pole-axe /Polacks on the ice”, both edited Q2 and edited F1 can be read with either “pole-axe” or “Polacks”.
In 313 “this too too {sallied/sullied } <solid> flesh”, readers can opt for reading “sallied” or “sullied” when unfolding edited Q2.
56 harrows] F1; horrowes Q2; horrors Q1
The Through Line Number (TLN) of Charlton Hinman's First Folio facsimile published by Norton is also keyed to both the Enfolded Hamlet and modEH. The lemma replicates the modEH reading in question, and is followed by a closing square bracket. The siglum indicates the source of the previous reading. Variants (and their sigla) are separated by semi-colons.TLN lemma] siglum; variant siglum
Sigla are keyed to the
list at "Bibliography
of Editions" in Hamlet Works at
Commas after sigla are used to separate variants or sigla of editions when differences involve modernization issues or inessential details.
Editorial comments always follow the siglum or sigla. Original readings included in these comments are enclosed by quotation marks.
Parentheses following sigla include editorial comments, such as “(conj. Collier)”
Changes in lineation are recorded by including the first word of the lines involved separated by a vertical stroke “|”, as in the next example,
664] F1; It . . . | Goe Q2
This notes explains that F1 as one line what Q2 prints as two verse lines beginning with “It” and “Goe.” Rearrangement of lineation may also be indicated in editorial comments (e.g. “as prose”, “one line”).
Abbreviations and symbols used:
“conj.” as in “conj. Collier” indicates that an emendation was first conjectured by a scholar but not adopted
“om.” indicates that the lemma is not in the edition
“SD” indicates “stage direction”
“SP” indicates “speech prefix”
“subst.” indicates that the edition cited differs in wording from the lemma but not in an essential way.
Vertical stroke “|” indicates the point of line division
1 1.1] Actus Primus. Scoena Prima F1; Q2 om.
2 SD] Q2 F1; Enter two Centinels Q1; Enter Barnardo
and Francisco, two sentinels, [meeting]
56 harrows] F1; horrowes Q2;
horrors Q1
66 SD]
Q2 opposite line 65, Q1 opposite equivlanet of line 63, Exit
the Ghost F1 at 66
79 pole-axe]
111 design] desseigne Q2, designe F1. designed] F2
124+4 feared]
127 It ... arms.] Q2 opposite 127-8; F1 Q1 om.
135 The cock crows] Q2 opposite 135-6; F1 Q1 om.
140 Exit
172 duty?] F1; duty. Q2
173 Let's] Q2 Q1; Let F1
175 1.2] Scena Secunda F1
178 with others]
178 including Cornelius and Voltemand]
179 SP] Claud. Q2, King. F1
213 Voltemand] F1; Valtemand Q2
221 SD] Exit Voltemand and Cornelius F1
263 shapes] Q3; chapes Q2
264 denote] F1; deuote Q2
312 Exeunt all but] Q2; Manet F1
313 sallied] Q2 Q1; sailled
316 self-slaughter] F1; seale slaughter Q2
317 weary] F1; wary Q2
321 merely. That] F1; meerely that Q2
325 beteem] Q2; beteene F1
346-7 I . . . myself] F1; Q2 one line
355 To
366 to see] F1 Q1; to Q2
400 Where (as] Where as Q1 Q5, Where, as Q8; Whereas Q2 F1
420, 422, 424 SP]
427 he,]
437 SP] Both. Q2, All. F1
442 tonight] to Night F1; to nigh Q2
443 warrant] F1, warn't Q2
454 SP]
455 SD] Exeunt. Manet Hamlet Q6 opposite 454-5; Exeunt Q2 F1 Q1 opposite 454
460 1.3] Scena Tertia F1
464 convey] Q6, conuay Q2
464 is] F1; in Q2
472 so.] Q2 F1. so?]
479 will] Q2; feare F1
484 sanity]
541 loan] F3, lone F1; loue Q2
548 you.] you, F1; you
564 you? . . . truth.] Q5; you . . . truth, Q2;
you, . . . truth? F1
575 Running]
591 tether] F1; tider Q2
595 imploratators]
586 bawds]
597 beguile] F1; beguide Q2
603 1.4]
604 shrewdly] F1, shroudly Q2; shrewd Q1
610 SD] Q2 opposite 610-1; F1 om.; Sound trumpets Q1 opposite 607
621+20 eale] Q2. ev'l]
613 swaggering] F1, swaggring Q2
641 the] Q2 Q1; thee; F1
643 Ghost] F1; Q2 om.
659 summit]
660 beetle] F1; bettles Q2; beckles Q1
664] F1; It . . . | Goe Q2
674 SD] Exit Q2 opposite line 673
675 imagination] F1 Q1; imagion Q2
681 1.5]
730 wits] Q2 F1. wit]
730 with] Q2; hath F1
732 seduce! -- won] seduce; won Q2; seduce? Won F1
732 to] Q2 Q1; to to F1
741 lust] Q1 Q1; but Q2
741 angel] Angell F1, Angle Q2, angle Q1
749 leperous] leaperous F1, leaprous Q2
762 unaneled]
776 Exit] F1 Q1; Q2 om.
797 SP] Hora. Q2, Hor. & Mar. within F1
813 SP Horatio,
838 SP Horatio,
845 Ghost ... stage] Q2 after 844; F1 opposite 845, Q1 after 845
847 on] Q2; one F1
852, 858, 878 SD Under the stage]
873 they] Q2; there F1
874 out) to note] v1793 subst. (conj.
888 2.1] Q6
889 Reynaldo]
934 you,] Q2; you F1
955 carp] Q2; Cape F1
1010 feared] Q2; feare F1
1018 2.2] Scena Secunda F1
1019 SD Rosencrantz]
1020 Guildenstern] Q6; Guyldensterne
Q2; Guildensterne F1; Gilderstone Q1 throughout
1020 with
others] Cum alijs F1; Q2 Q1 om.; Lords and
other Attendants
1021 Rosencrantz]
1062 Exeunt] Q2; Exit F1 opposite 1061
1062 and Guildenstern] Q2; F1 om.
1062 and ... Attendants] and ...
1077 Polonius ... door] this edn. Exit Polonius]
1082 Voltemand and Cornelius] Voltumand, and Cornelius F1; Q2 om.
1084 Voltemand] Q2; Voltumand F1; Voltemar Q1
1111 Exeunt] Q2 opposite 'home'; Exit F1 opposite 'home'
1111 Voltemand and Cornelius]
1132 thus.] F1; thus Q2
1136 Reads the] Reads Q6; The F1
1144 Reads the letter]
1144 letter] Letter Q2
opposite 1144
1154 solicitings] Q2; soliciting F1
1160 think,] Q2; think? F1
1169 my young mistress] Q2; (my yong Mistris) F1
1172 his] F1; her Q2
1177 watch] F1 Q3; wath Q2
1178 to a] F1; to Q2
1207-8 and perhaps Attendants] this edn; and
1219 carrion - ] F1; carrion. Q2
1225 Aside]
1233 read] Q2; mean F1
1237 lack] Q2; lock F1
1243 Aside]
1248 Aside]
1265 SD]
1266 To
1269 excellent] F1; extent Q2
1313 SP Rosencrantz, Guildenstern]
1317 Elsinore] Elsonoure Q2, Elsonower F1
1326 kind of] Q2; kind F1
1341 discovery, and] Q2; discovery of F1
1342 Queen moult] Q2; queene: moult F1
1344 heavily] Q2; heauenly F1
1372 blank] F1; black Q2
1380 innovation.] Q2; Innouation ? F1
1389 berattle] F3; be-ratled F1
1396 most like]
1420 lest my] F1; let me Q2
1421 yours.] yours? Q2
1447 individable]
1449 light for . . . liberty:] Q2; light, for . . . Liberty. F1
1464 pious] Q2; Pons F1
1475 falconers] F1 Q1; Fankners Q2, Faukners Q3
1515 Then sensless Illium] F1; Q2 om.
1520 reverend] F1, reuerent Q2
1535 fellies] F4, Fallies F1; follies Q2
1564 Aside]
1585 till] F1; tell Q2
1588 SD] Q1; Manet Hamlet F1
1594 wanned] wand, Q2; warm'd F1
1596 an']
1597 conceit?] F1; conceit; Q2
1604 appal] appale Q2; apale F1
1623 Whoa!] Who? F1
1627-9 And … play]
1646 3.1] Q6
1648 And] F1; An Q2; An'
1677 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern] Q2; F1 om.
1677 and
1693 Exit
1699 sugar] Q2; surge F1
1708 SD]
1739 sicklied] F1; sickled Q2
1758 honest?] F1; honest. Q2
1764-5] F1; Could . . . | Then Q2
1773 inoculate] F1; euocutat Q2
1776 thee to] F1; thee Q2
1781 in, imagination] Q2; in imagination, F1
1787-8] F1 as prose; Let . . . | That . . . |
Farewell Q2
1811 And I] Q2; Haue I F1
1835 Enter
1848 3.2]
1867 o'erstep] Q2; ore-stop F1
1880 nor no man]
1893 Exeunt Players] Q1, Exit Players. F1; Q2 om.
1898 Exit Polonius] F1; Q2 Q1 om.
1900 SP] Ros. Q2, Both. F1
1907 SP] F1; Q2 in catchword
1911 tongue lick] Q2; tongue, like F1
1913 feigning] Q2; faining? F1
1942 Rosencrantz] Rosincrance F1; Q2 om.
1943 Guildenstern] Guildensterne
F1; Q2 om.
1949-54] F1; Excellent . . . | Of . . . |
Promiscram'd . . . | King. I . . . | These . . . | Ham. . . . |
You Q2
1953 To
1960-1] F1 as prose; It . . . | Be Q2
1964 metal] mettle Q2, Mettle F1
1963 SP QUEEN] F1
1995 come] Q2; comes F1 Q3
2002 Exeunt Players] Exeunt F1; Q2 om.
2008 Enter
Prologue] Q2 opposite 'fellow'
2008-9] F1; We . . . | The Q2
2017 Prologue] Q2; F1 om.
2019 Exit]
2020 posy] posie Q2; Poesie F1 Q1
2023 two
Players as]
2024 SP PLAYER KING] v1778
2025 orbed] F1; orb'd the Q2
2030 SP PLAYER QUEEN] v1778 (after
2033 former] Q2; forme F1
2038 love] F1; Lord Q2
2043 kind] Q2; kinde. F1
2054 you think] Q2; you. Think F1
2064 either] Q2; other F1
2085+2 An]
2095 He sleeps] Sleepes F1; Q2 om.
2905 freeing ... within] kept back by a guard
2095 SP BAPTISTA] Qu. F1
2096 Exit] F1; Exeunt Q2; exit Lady Q1
2110 unwrung] Q3, unwrong Q2; unrung F1
2111 Enter Lucianus.] F1; Q2 after 2112
2114-5] F1; I could . . . | If Q2
2120 mis-take]
2141 SP LORDS]
2142 SD] Q2 opposite 2141; Manet Hamlet & Horatio.
2146-7] F1; Thus . . . fea- | thers Q2
2152 ay]
2154-5] Q2; This . . . | And F1
2179-80] F1; Good . . . | And Q2
2229 thumb]
2244 Enter
2254 SP HAMLET ] F1 Q1, Q2 in catchword
2257 Exit] F1; Q2 om.
2258 Exeunt
all but Hamlet]
2270 Exit] Q2 Q1; F1 om.
2271 3.3]
2292 huge] F1; hough Q2
2295 ruin] Ruine F1; raine Q2
2296 but with] F1; but Q2
2300 Gentlemen]
2300 Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern]
2300 SP] Ros.
Q2; Both. F1
2326 pardoned] F1; pardon Q1
2346 Kneels?] he kneeles Q1 after equivalent to 2348; Q2 F1 om.
2351 Draws
his sword]
2352 revenged] F1; reuendge Q2
2363 hent:] hent Q2 F1
2374 3.4]
2374 Queen] F1; Q2 om.
2382 SP+ QUEEN] F1; Q2 om. until 2421 inclusive
2383 Polonius
hides behind the arras]
2384 Enter Hamlet] F1; Q2 after 2380
2400 inmost] F1; most Q2
2403 Behind
the arras]
2404 Kills Polonius] F1 opposite 2405; Q2 om.
2405 Behind]
2412 Discovers
2443 heaven-kissing] F1; heaue, a kissing Q2
2461 ardor] ardure Q2, Ardure F1
2464 SP+ QUEEN] F1; Q2 om. until 2611 inclusive
2499 the incorporal] th'incorporal Q2; their corporall F1
2519 Ghost]
Q2 Q1; F1 om.
2521 This . . . in]
2526 And I] F1; And Q2
2536 these] Q2; this F1
2544+5 Refrain tonight] Q5 (after F1); to refraine night Q2
2546+2 shame]
2562 ravel] rauell F1, rouell Q2
2577] F1; Alack . . . | Tis Q2
2577+6 and't] Q6; an't Q2
2585 Hamlet tugging in Polonius] F1; Q2 om.; Hamlet with the dead body Q1
2586 4.1] Q6
2590+2 Exeunt
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.]
2617 vile] Q2, vilde F1
2619 SD] Enter Ros. & Guild. Q2 opposite 2618, F1 after 'excuse.' 2619
2623 mother's closet] Q2; Mother Clossets F1
2625 SD]
2628 So envious slander]
2630 4.2]
2630 SD] F1; Enter Hamlet, Rosencraus and others Q2
2631 Calling
2634 SD] Enter Ros. and Guildensterne F1; Rosencraus and others Q2 after 'Hamlet' at 2630
2647 like an ape an apple]
2661 4.3]
2672 Guildenstern]
2681 guarded]
2681 SD] They enter Q2 opposite 2680
2689 service: two] Q2; seruice to F1; seruices, two Q1
2690 table-] table, Q2; table F1
2691 SP KING] F1; King. King. Q2
2700 Exeunt
2722 Exeunt all but the King] Q1 after equivalent to 2717
2734 4.4]
2734 including
a Captain]
2743 Exeunt] Q1; Exit F1; Q2 om.
2743 all but Captain]
2743+25 Exeunt
all but the Hamlet.]
2759-61] Q2; 'Twere . . . | For ... | In ill F1
2761 Horatio
goes to the door.]
2761 Exit
2769 Sings] shee sings Q2 opposite 2768; F1 prints song in italics
2773 Sings] Song Q2 opposite 2773
2778 Sings] F1 in italics; Q2 in roman
2780 Sings] Song Q2 opposite 2781
2790 Sings] Song Q2 opposite 2790
2792-3] Q1; Then . . . | Let Q2 F1
2800-1] F1; Q2 one line
2808-10 Good . . . good . . . good . . . good] F1; God . . . god . . . god . . . god Q2
2810 Exit] F1, exit Ofelia Q1; Q2 om.
2812 Exit
2829 Wherein] Q2; Where in F1
2849 Exit Messenger]
2853 King? - Sirs, stand] Q2; King, sirs? Stand F1
2854, 2856 Followers] Foll. v1773;
his followers
2854, 2856 within] offstage
2857 Exeunt
2890 is't] Q2; if F1
2904 Let ... in!] Let ... in. F1 in italics after
'within' at 2904
2910 Till] F1; Tell Q2
2917 Sings.] Song. Q2 opposite
2923-25] F1 as prose; You . . . | And . . . | It
2928 pansies] Q2; Paconcies F1
2938 Sings.] F1 in italics, Q2 in roman
2941 Sings.] Song. Q2 opposite 2941
2951 you see] F1; you Q2
2966 rite] F1; right Q2
2972 4.6]
2972 Gentleman]
2974 Attendant.]
2975 Gentleman
goes to the door.] this edn; Exit Ser.
2975 Exit
2977 greeted-- if ] greeted. If Q2-4
2985-6] F1; Q2 one line
2985 Horatio.] Q2; F1 om.
2985 Reads the letter.] F1; Q2 om.
2997 bore] F1; bord Q2
3001 thine,] F1; thine Q2
3003 Come] F1; Hor. Come Q2
3003 will give] F1; will Q2; will make Q3
3005 Exeunt] Q2; Exit F1
3006 4.7]
3022 conjunct]
3030 loved, armed,]
3035 was] F1. has,]
3052-3] F1; Q2 one line
3053 Exit Messenger.] F1; Q2 om.
3054 Reads.]
3059 What] F1; King. What Q2
3067 diest thou]
3072 checking] F1; the King Q2
3085 my] F1; me Q2
3114 in deed your]
3131 for that] F1; for Q2
3142 shape. If ... fail]
3148 ha't] F1; hate Q2
3153 How ... Queen?] F1 after 'there.'
3153 How,] F1; how now Q1 F2
3173 their] Q2 Q1; her F1
3174 lay] Q2; buy F1; by F2
3189 5.1] Q6
3190 SP+ ]
3192 SP+ ]
3198 so offendendo]
3200-1 to act] Q2; an act F1
3201 argal] F1, Ergo Q1; or all Q2
3250 Exit 2
3251 Sings] F1; Song Q2 opposite 3252
3261 daintier] F1; dintier Q2
3262 Sings] Clowne sings F1 centered; Song Q2 opposite 3263
3262 SP 1 CLOWN] Clow. Q2 beginning of 3263, Clowne sings. F1 as centered SD
3266 Throws up a skull]
3279 mazard] F1; massene Q2
3284 Sings] Clowne sings F1 centered; Song Q2 opposite 3285
3284 SP 1 CLOWN] Clow. Q2 beginning of 3285, Clowne sings. F1 as centered SD
3288 Throws up another skull]
3290 of] Q2; of of F1
3310-1] F1; Q2 one line
3311 Sings]
3351 sexton] Sexten Q2; sixeteene F1
3391 Why,]
3405 a
3405 a Priest after] with a Priest after Q1
3406 and Gentlemen] and other Lordes Q1 after 'Leartes,'
at 3405, F1 om.; and
a Gentleman
3411 Hamlet and Horatio stand aside.]
3435 sweet. Farewell] sweet, farewell Q2 Q1; sweet farewell. F1
3439 woes] v1877 (conj. Walker); woer F1; wooer F2
3444 Leaps in the grave] F1; Q2 om.
3449 SP] SP Discovering
3451 Conjures] Q2 Q1; Coniure F1
3453 Dane. ] Q2 F1; Hamlet leapes | in after Leartes Q1 opposite equivalent to 3447-51
3454 Leaps out and grapples with him]
3455-6 Thou . . . throat] F1 Q1; Q2 one line with
3462 Lords]
3462 SP Gentlemen / Gentleman] Gentleman
3462 Attendants part them]
3472,3 Woul't]
3483 thus] F1; this Q2
3491 SD] Exit Hamlet Q2
3492 Exit Horatio]
3493 To Laertes]
3498 Till] Tell Q2
3499 5.2]
3504 Methought] me thought F1; my thought Q2
3505 bilboes] F1; bilbo Q2
3530 villains] Q2 F1. villainies]
3545 'as'es] As's
3555 Subscribed] F1; Subcribe Q2
3557 cement] sement F1
3561 defeat] Q2; debate F1
3586 Osric] Osricke F1; Q2 om.
3587 SP+ OSRIC] Osr. F1; Q2 om. throughout
until 3726
3588] F1; I . . . | Doost Q2
3593 say] Q2; saw F1
3603 sultry] F1; sully Q2
3605 sultry] soultry F1, soultery Q2, swoltery Q1
3610+1 gentleman] Q3; gentlemen Q2
3610+3 sellingly] Q2(u). Feelingly] Q3; fellingly Q2(c)
3610+7 dozy]
3610+8 yaw] Q2(u). raw] Q2(c)
3610+18 do't] Q2(c). to't] Q2(u)
3612+3 his] Q5; this Q2
3616 king, sir] Q2; sir King F1
3623 carriages] F1; carriage Q2
3626 might be] F1; be might Q2(c); be Q2(u)
3632 on't]
3646 Exit.] Q1 F2;
3647 Yours. Does] Fanego subst.; Yours doo's Q2;
Yours. 'A does
3652 many] Q2; mine F1; nine F2
3657+3 Osric] F1; Ostricke Q2
3657+13 Exit
3665 gaingiving] F1; gamgiuing Q2
3671 will] F1; well Q2
3671 come.] come, Q2, come; F1
3671 all,] Q2 F1; all:
3672 betimes. Let] syn, betimes, let Q2; betimes .
. . let
3674 Osric]
3674 Laertes] and Laertes Q2 on a separate line before 3677
3675 foils and daggers] Q2 after 'state' at 3674
3677 Puts
Laertes' hands into Hamlet's]
3702 precedent] Q7
3703 To keep] F1; To Q2
3706-7] F1; I . . . | franckly Q2
3715 Osric] F1; Ostricke Q2
3726 SP+ Osric] F1; Ostr. Q2 subst. throughout until 3839
3738 SD] Trumpets | the while Q2 opposite 3739-40
3742 They play.] F1; Q2 om.; Heere they play: Q1 opposite 3744
3751 Drum ... Flourish, a piece goes off] ... shot | Florish... Q2 opposite 3746 and 3747
3753 They
play again.] Q1
3763 Aside]
3774 They play.] Play. F1; Q2 Q1 om.
3777 In scuffling they change rapiers.] F1; Q2 om.; They catch one anothers Rapiers, and both are wounded, | Leartes falles downe, the Queene falles downe and dies. Q1
3784 Osric] F1; Ostrick Q2
3790 Dies.]
3792 Exeunt Osric and some Lords.] Exit Osric
3795 medicine] Medicine F1, medcine Q2
3797 thy] F1; my Q2
3804 Hurts the King.] F1; Q2 Q1 om.
3805 SP LORDS]
3810 King dies.] F1, The king dies.
3811-2] F1; Q2 one line
3815 Dies.] F1, Leartes dies. Q1
3836 and shot within] v1773; and shout within F1; Q2 Q1 om.
3836 SD A ... off] A march a | farre off Q2 opposite 3834 and 3835
3837 What ... this?] Q2 at 3835 after 'story'
3847 Dies.] F1, Ham. dies. Q1; Q2 om.
3852 and Attendants] F1, with his traine Q1; Q2 om.
3874 th' yet] F1; yet Q2
3900 rite] right Q2