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1 to 10 of 227 Entries from All Files for "john " in All Fields

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1) Commentary Note for line 1:
The Tragedie of 0{B1r} <nn4v>
Prince of Denmarke.
1 <Actus Primus. Scœna Prima.> 1.1
    ... v1773</sigla><hanging>v1773 &#8776; <sc>john </sc>without attribution + <small>i ...
    ...  </i>by George Chapman, Ben Jonson, and John Marston, 1605, is a fling at the he ...
2) Commentary Note for line 28:
28 Hora. A peece of him.
    ... eece</b>]</para> </cn><cn> <hanging><sc>john </sc><i>Tmp.</i>: <sc>warb </sc>+</ ...
3) Commentary Note for line 40:
40 Bar. Sit downe a while,
    ... oks we have of <i>Hamlet,</i>  those of John Wood dating from the 1740s (see Tho ...
    ... e ghost appears. The published texts of John Wilkes's productions [<sc>wilk</sc> ...
4) Commentary Note for lines 51-52:
51 {Enter Ghost.}
51-52 Mar. Peace, breake thee of, <Enter the Ghost.> | looke where it comes againe.
    ... .&#x201D;</para> <para><b>Ed. note:</b> John Monck Mason, ed. of Massinger. Folg ...
5) Commentary Note for line 62:
62 Did sometimes march, by heauen I charge thee speake.
    ... ] <sc>Andrews </sc>(ed. 1993), citing 1 John 4.1 (&#x201C;believe not every spir ...
6) Commentary Note for line 77:
77 When {he the ambitious} <th'Ambitious> Norway combated,
    ... ></sigla><hanging><sc>fieb </sc>&#8776; John Walker  without attribution </hangi ...
7) Commentary Note for line 78:
78 So frownd he once, when in an angry parle
    ... <i>talk, </i>according to his ed. Henry John Todd (1801, 4: 423 n.); Todd refers ...
8) Commentary Note for line 79:
79 He smot the {sleaded pollax} <sledded Pollax> on the ice.
    ... k&#x201D; to &#8216;pollax.' <sc>Mallie John Murphy</sc>.&#x201D;</para></cn>  < ...
9) Commentary Note for line 117:
117 That hath a stomacke in't, which is no other
    ... <para>I have to check to make sure that JOHN has this. </para></bwk></cn><cn> <s ...
10) Commentary Note for line 124:
124 Of this post hast and Romadge in the land.
    ... igla><hanging><sc>macd </sc>&#8776; <sc>john + </sc></hanging><para>124<tab> </t ...
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