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121 to 130 of 246 Entries from All Files for "hamlet near horatio" in All Fields

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121) Commentary Note for lines 2228-31:
2228-9 Ham. {It is} <'Tis> as easie as lying; gouerne these ventages |with your {fin-}
2229-30 {gers, & the vmber} <finger and thumbe>, giue it breath with your | mouth, & it wil discourse
2230-1 most {eloquent} <excellent> musique, | looke you, these are the stops. 2230
    ...  Compare [3.2.248-51 (2219-22)]], where Hamlet commends Horatio for his ability  ...
122) Commentary Note for lines 2255-56:
2255-6 They foole me to the top of my bent, | I will come by & by, 2255
    ... tage, and it is next to impossible that Hamlet should say &#8216;friends' to Pol ...
123) Commentary Note for line 2258:
2258 <Ham.> By and by is easily said, <Leaue me Friends:>
    ... osencrantz and Guildenstern should obey Hamlet's instruction, <i>Leave me, frien ...
    ...  '<i>exit</i>' for Horatio after he and Hamlet have bidden each other goodnight; ...
124) Commentary Note for line 2431:
2431 A rapsedy of words; heauens face {dooes} <doth> glowe
    ... h the moon before the murder of the old Hamlet is recounted by Horatio in [1.1.1 ...
    ... ed by Horatio in [1.1.112 (124+5) ff.]. Hamlet's words here refer to this event, ...
125) Commentary Note for line 2455+1:
2455+1 {Els could you not haue motion, but sure that sence} 2455+1
    ... ; [2.3.14 (979)] which he sees as // to Hamlet's &#x201C;in my mind's eye, Horat ...
126) Commentary Note for line 2469:
2469 In the ranck sweat of an inseemed bed
    ... ng recalls [1.2.75-86 (256-267)], where Hamlet says, &#8216;I know not Seems', a ...
127) Commentary Note for line 2478:
2478 A cut-purse of the Empire and the rule,
    ... er. He has been legally elected King in Hamlet's absence; and thus, as Hamlet sa ...
    ...  King in Hamlet's absence; and thus, as Hamlet says to Horatio in calmer and mor ...
128) Commentary Note for line 2482:
2482 Enter Ghost.
    ... o, and to its second in the presence of Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus. On both  ...
129) Commentary Note for line 2502:
2502 Your bedded haire like life in excrements
    ... rom whom Sh. has taken  the whole of <i>Hamlet's</i> disguis'd madess; the scene ...
130) Commentary Note for line 2573:
2573 {Ger.}<Qu.> Be thou assur'd, if words be made of breath
    ... f. G.I. Duthie, <i>The 'Bad' Quarto of 'Hamlet'</i> (Cambridge, 1941), pp.196-20 ...

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