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21 to 30 of 32 Entries from All Files for "hamlet and horatio" in All Fields

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21) Commentary Note for line 3544:
3544 And stand a Comma tweene their amities,
    ...  that a passage in the dialogue between Hamlet and Horatio, at the commencement  ...
22) Commentary Note for line 3586:
3586 Enter {a Courtier.} <young Osricke.>
    ... g> <para>3499<tab> </tab><i><b><i>Enter Hamlet and Horatio</i></b></i>] <sc>Mars ...
23) Commentary Note for line 3805_380:
3805 All. Treason, treason.
3806 King. O yet defend me friends, I am but hurt.
3807-8 Ham. Heare thou incestious <murdrous,> | damned Dane,
    ... ing treason in attacking the King. Only Hamlet and Horatio know how Claudius obt ...
24) Commentary Note for line 3805:
3805 All. Treason, treason. 3805
    ... ing treason in attacking the King. Only Hamlet and Horatio know how Claudius obt ...
25) Commentary Note for line 3806_380:
3806 King. O yet defend me friends, I am but hurt.
3807-8 Ham. Heare thou incestious <murdrous,>| damned Dane,
    ... ing treason in attacking the King. Only Hamlet and Horatio know how Claudius obt ...
    ... ln>3245</ehtln><tab> </tab><F1><i>Enter Hamlet and Horatio a farre off</i>.</F1> ...
    ... >subst</i>.)</hanging> <para>3245 Enter Hamlet and Horatio a farre off. ] SD (<i ...
26) Material Textual Note for line 3251:
3251 <Sings.> 3251
    ...  <small><sc>fol2; </sc></small><i>Enter Hamlet and Horatio [as Clown digs and si ...
27) Material Textual Note for lines 3256-57:
{M2v/3255+1} {Enter Hamlet and Horatio.}
3256-7 Ham. Has this fellowe no feeling of his busines? <that>| {a} <he> sings {in} <at> graue-
3257 making.
    ... ln><tab> </tab><tab> </tab><Q2><i>Enter Hamlet and Horatio.</i></Q2></para> <par ...
    ... anging> <para><tab> </tab>3256 <i>Enter Hamlet and Horatio</i>] <i>SD </i>(<i>su ...
28) Material Textual Note for line 3404:
3404 But soft, but soft {awhile,} <aside;> here comes the King, {Enter K. Q. }
    ... side<i>. </i><sc>oxf2</sc>;<sc> </sc><i>Hamlet and Horatio stand aside. Enter Cl ...
29) Material Textual Note for line 3492:
3492 King. I pray {thee} <you> good Horatio waite vpon him. {and Horatio.}
    ... follows<sc> Cam3; <i>E</i></sc><i>xeunt Hamlet and Horatio on </i>3493 <i>after  ...
30) Material Textual Note for line 3499:
3499 Enter Hamlet and Horatio.
    ... <i>3499<tab> </tab></i></ehtln><i>Enter Hamlet and Horatio</i>.</para> </ehline> ...
    ... , evns1, chal; V.2 <i>E</i></sc><i>nter Hamlet and Horatio</i> <sc>pel1, pel2 </ ...
    ... l></para> <para><i><tab> </tab>SD Enter Hamlet and Horatio</i>] <i>SD </i><sc>Ha ...

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