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1 to 10 of 89 Entries from All Files for "Ophelia near Polonius" in All Fields

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1) Commentary Note for line 78:
78 So frownd he once, when in an angry parle
    ... mark. Polonius then gives his advice to Ophelia, [quotes 589] <i>i.e. </i>Hamlet ...
2) Commentary Note for line 177:
177 <Hamlet> {Counsaile: as} Polonius, {and his Sonne} Laertes, <and his Sister O->
    ... en,</i> <sc> hamlet, polonius, laertes, ophelia, [[voltemand, cornelius]] lords< ...
3) Commentary Note for line 179:
179 {Claud.} <King> Though yet of Hamlet our deare brothers death
    ... r&#x201D; burial of Polonius [2821] and Ophelia, the cutting short of the play-w ...
4) Commentary Note for line 190:
190 With mirth in funerall, and with dirdge in marriage,
    ... o see (364), but Polonius Q2 (2964) and Ophelia (3415) have obscure funerals.</p ...
5) Commentary Note for line 250:
250 Doe not for euer with thy vailed lids
    ... also dysfunctional . . . . The death of Ophelia, as well as the murder of Poloni ...
6) Commentary Note for line 460:
460 <Scena Tertia.>
    ...  in a hall in the castle, preparing for Ophelia's encounter with Hamlet. At the  ...
    ...  family.  Laertes's love for his sister Ophelia, whom we see for the first time, ...
    ... ere is nothing to show that Laertes and Ophelia are contemptuous of Polonius's l ...
7) Commentary Note for line 465:
465 But let me heere from you.
    ... r </sc> (ed. 2006): &#x201C;Laertes and Ophelia consistently use the more formal ...
8) Commentary Note for line 467:
467 Laer. For Hamlet, and the trifling of his {fauour} <fauours>,
    ... Trench</sc> (1913, p. 66): Polonius and Ophelia, in contrast to Laertes, &#x201C ...
    ... s. &lt;/p. 69&gt; Polonius' language to Ophelia when he advises her how &lt;/p.  ...
    ... uces the love affair between Hamlet and Ophelia.  Both Polonius and Laertes supp ...
9) Commentary Note for line 469:
469 A Violet in the youth of primy nature,
    ... and proverb at the very introduction of Ophelia, Laertes admonition to her, fore ...
10) Commentary Note for line 483:
483 Carue for himselfe, for on his choise depends
    ... rbial: see Dent, C100). The belief that Ophelia would be an inappropriate partne ...
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