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1 to 10 of 32 Entries from All Files for "hamlet and horatio" in All Fields

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1) Commentary Note for line 295:
295 In going back to schoole in Wittenberg,
    ... ic</i>  (966). Only Hamlet and Horatio a ...
2) Commentary Note for line 364:
364 Hora. My Lord, I came to see your fathers funerall.
    ... d. 1985): "How have Hamlet and Horatio c ...
3) Commentary Note for line 710:
710 Ghost. Reuenge his foule, and most vnnaturall murther.
    ... ncy may be blocked. Hamlet and Horatio f ...
4) Commentary Note for line 723:
723 A Serpent stung me, so the whole eare of Denmarke
    ... d variously by both Hamlet and Horatio,  ...
5) Commentary Note for line 864:
864 Then are dream't of in {your} <our> philosophie, but come
    ... ]. <sc>Corson:</sc> Hamlet and Horatio h ...
    ... e F <i>our</i> puts Hamlet and Horatio t ...
6) Commentary Note for lines 2100-01:
2100-1 King. Haue you heard the argument? is there no {offence} <Of-| fence> in't?
    ...  to everyone except Hamlet and Horatio.  ...
    ... he word echoes from hamlet and Horatio's ...
7) Commentary Note for lines 2102-03:
2102-3 Ham. No, no, they do but iest, poyson in iest, no {offence} <Of-| fence> i'th world.
    ... he word echoes from hamlet and Horatio's ...
8) Commentary Note for lines 2132-35:
2132-3 Ham. {A} <He> poysons him i'th Garden {for his} <for's> estate, his | names Gonza-
2133-4 go, the story is extant, and {written in very} <writ in> choice | Italian, you shall see
2134-5 anon how the murtherer gets the | loue of Gonzagoes wife.
    ... -90 (2158-62)]. For Hamlet and Horatio ( ...
9) Commentary Note for line 2136:
2136 Oph. The King rises.
    ... ng Polonius, except Hamlet and Horatio,  ...
10) Commentary Note for line 2156:
2156 A very very paiock. 2156
    ... d high enterprises. Hamlet and Horatio h ...
    ... rt dialogue between Hamlet and Horatio t ...
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