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11 to 20 of 57 Entries from All Files for "student" in All Fields

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11) Commentary Note for line 341:
341 With such dexteritie to incestious sheets,
12) Commentary Note for line 365:
365 Ham. I {prethee} <pray thee> doe not mocke me {fellowe studient,}<(fellow Student)>
13) Commentary Note for line 456:
456 My fathers spirit (in armes) all is not well,
14) Commentary Note for line 613:
613 Keepes {wassell} <wassels> and the {swaggring} <swaggering> vp-spring reeles:
15) Commentary Note for line 617:
617 Hora. Is it a custome?
16) Commentary Note for line 621+7:
621+7 {So oft it chaunces in particuler men,}
17) Commentary Note for lines 714-15:
714-15 Ham. Hast <, hast> me to {know't} <know it>, | that {I} with wings as swift
18) Commentary Note for line 783:
783 Yea, from the table of my memory
19) Commentary Note for line 792:
792 My tables, <my Tables;> meet it is I set it downe
20) Commentary Note for line 824:
824 {I will} <Looke you, Ile> goe pray.

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