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690 to 699 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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690) Commentary Note for line 3609_361:
3609 Ham. I beseech you remember.
3610 {Cour.} <Osr.> Nay {good my Lord} <in good faith,> for {my} <mine> ease in good faith, {sir here is newly}
    ... y's answer is quoted. See Dr. Ingleby's Shakespeare Hermeutics (1875) p. 74 seq. ...
    ... ;' and this explanation is given in the Shakespeare Lexicon. But it is quite pos ...
    ... ten places elsewhere. Not that I supose Shakespeare was himself consistent in hi ...
691) Commentary Note for line 3610_11_:
3610+11 {of him, his semblable is his mirrour, & who els would trace him, his}
3610+12 {vmbrage, nothing more.}
    ... 0): &#x201C;<small>This word is used by Shakespeare in one other place, [<i>Tim. ...
692) Commentary Note for line 3610_1_3:
3610+1 {com to Court Laertes, belieue me an absolute gentlemen, ful of most}
3610+2 {excellent differences, of very soft society, and great showing: in-} {N2v}
    ...  this Figure, the Distributor, to which Shakespeare here refers.&#x201D;</para>  ...
693) Commentary Note for line 3610_16_:
3610+16 {Cour. Sir.}
3610+17 {Hora. Ist not possible to vnderstand in another tongue, you will}
3610+18 {doo't sir really.}
    ... mple of a corrector interceding between Shakespeare and the Q2.</para> <para>361 ...
694) Commentary Note for line 3610_3_3:
3610+3 {deede to speake fellingly of him, hee is the card or kalender of gen-}
3610+4 {try: for you shall find in him the continent of what part a Gentle-}
3610+5 {man would see.} 3610+5
    ...  this Figure, the Distributor, to which Shakespeare here refers.&#x201D;</para>  ...
695) Commentary Note for line 3610_6_3:
3610+6 {Ham. Sir, his definement suffers no perdition in you, though I}
3610+7 {know to deuide him inuentorially, would dazzie th'arithmaticke of}
    ... ect my explanation, for the reason that Shakespeare often plays with two meaning ...
    ... mple of a corrector interceding between Shakespeare and the Q2.</para> <para>361 ...
696) Commentary Note for line 3610_8:
3610+8 {memory, and yet but raw neither, in respect of his quick saile, but}
    ...  Mr. Collier's and Mr. Knight's eds. of Shakespeare </i> , p.220.)&#x201D;</para ...
    ...  Mr. Collier's and Mr. Knight's eds. of Shakespeare </i> , p.220.)&#x201D;</para ...
    ... ect my explanation, for the reason that Shakespeare often plays with two meaning ...
    ... 0): &#x201C;<small>This word is used by Shakespeare in one other place, [<i>Tim. ...
    ... mple of a corrector interceding between Shakespeare and the Q2.</para> <para>361 ...
    ... mple of a corrector interceding between Shakespeare and the Q2.</para> <para>361 ...
697) Commentary Note for line 3612_3_3:
3612+3 {Cour. I meane sir for this weapon, but in the imputation laide on}
3612+4 {him, by them in his meed, hee's vnfellowed.} 3611+4
    ...  they are very good sense, and such  as Shakespeare intended.&#x201C;</para></cn ...
    ... ho can discourse with due honour. a1616 SHAKESPEARE Henry VI, Pt. 3 (1623) IV. x ...
698) Commentary Note for line 3617_361:
3617-8 againgst the which hee {has impaund} <impon'd> as I take it six French | Rapiers
    ... no</i>. An affected word, introduced by Shakespeare in ridicule. [cites <i>Ham</ ...
699) Commentary Note for line 3619_362:
3619-20 of the carriages in faith, are very | deare to fancy, very responsiue to
    ... mple of a corrector interceding between Shakespeare and the Q2.&#x201D; Wilson l ...

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