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581 to 590 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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581) Commentary Note for line 3112_9:
3112+9 {And then this should is like a spend thirfts sigh,}
    ... t.' That it was the belief, at the time Shakespeare wrote, that sighs were injur ...
582) Commentary Note for line 3114:
3114 To showe your selfe {indeede} your fathers sonne <indeed,>
    ... C;It is evident, again, that at 4.7.126 Shakespeare misled both the Q2 composito ...
583) Commentary Note for line 3128:
3128 A sword {vnbated} <unbaited>, and in a {pace} <passe> of practise
    ...  in any copy, but <sc>Theobald</sc> (<i>Shakespeare Restored</i>, p. 119) conjec ...
    ... t carefull elaborated scenes, as far as Shakespeare is concerned, in the whole p ...
    ... , </i>and <i>rebate</i> are all used in Shakespeare with a similar meaning. See  ...
    ...  (([<i>Ado</i> 5.2.13 (0000)])). Though Shakespeare does not refer to foil <i>bu ...
584) Commentary Note for line 3129:
3129 Requite him for your Father.
    ... t carefull elaborated scenes, as far as Shakespeare is concerned, in the whole p ...
585) Commentary Note for line 3131:
3131 And for <that> purpose, Ile annoynt my sword.
    ... ruse the foils.' Yet I acknowledge that Shakespeare evidently wishes, as much as ...
    ... eance for a father's death, in all that Shakespeare has here achieved.&#x201D;</ ...
586) Commentary Note for line 3132:
3132 I bought an vnction of a Mountibanck
    ... sense. In the two other places in which Shakespeare uses it ([<i>Com.</i> 1.2.10 ...
587) Commentary Note for line 3146:
3146 If this {did} <should> blast in proofe; soft let me see,
    ... ve a gun</i> is a phrase still in use.  Shakespeare perhaps did not use the word ...
588) Commentary Note for line 3158:
3158 Quee. There is a Willow growes {ascaunt the} <aslant a> Brooke
    ...  no little  size in good writing, which Shakespeare could not fall into.  But th ...
    ... ara>Bradby, G[eoffrey]  F[ox]. <i>About Shakespeare ad his Plays.</i> London: Ox ...
    ...  is lyrical rather than dramatic. It is Shakespeare the poet that speaks rather  ...
    ... speare the poet that speaks rather than Shakespeare the dramatist. But it is a m ...
    ... ber drowning could hardly have supplied Shakespeare with his setting, an imagina ...
589) Commentary Note for line 3159:
3159 That showes his {horry} <hore> leaues in the glassy streame,
    ... ance how much better the F1 reading is. Shakespeare is not likely to have writte ...
590) Commentary Note for line 3160:
3160 Therewith fantastique garlands did she {make} <come,>
    ... superiority is obvious at a glance. For Shakespeare intended Ophelia to make her ...

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