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531 to 540 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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531) Commentary Note for line 2770:
2770 By his cockle hat and staffe, and his Sendall shoone. 2770
    ... f. the poetic form <i>eyne</i>, used by Shakespeare several times for the sake o ...
532) Commentary Note for line 2774+1:
2774+1 {O ho.} 2774+1
    ... #8216;hems and beats her heart'. Or did Shakespeare leave it either to his perso ...
533) Commentary Note for line 2780:
2780 Oph. Larded {all} with sweet flowers, 2780
    ... word in this sense is generally used by Shakespeare in a figurative sense.&#x201 ...
534) Commentary Note for line 2781:
2781 Which beweept to the {ground} <graue> did not go {Song.}
    ...  adopt Pope's emendation ;did go,' lest Shakespeare may have meant a distracted  ...
    ...  Dowden retains not, on the ground that Shakespeare may have meant a distracted  ...
    ...  Pope's emendation &#8216;did go,' lest Shakespeare may have meant a distracted  ...
    ... onius. We can be certain, I think, that Shakespeare did mean this. Dr Greg write ...
535) Commentary Note for lines 2784-86:
2784-5 Oph. Well good dild you, they say the Owle was | a Bakers daugh-
2785-6 ter, Lord we know what we are, but | know not what we may be. 2785
2786 God be at your table.
    ... /i>.'  Compare Thoms, Three Notelets on Shakespeare (London, 1865) p. 108-112 an ...
536) Commentary Note for line 2790:
2790 To morrow is S. Valentines day, {Song.}
2790 All in the morning betime,
    ... Bourne's Pop. Ant</i>. I.48. quarto ed. Shakespeare makes Ophelia sing (<i>Hamle ...
537) Commentary Note for line 2799:
2799 by Cock they are too blame.
    ... ty. It occurs in several old plays, and Shakespeare has it in at least two other ...
    ... ty. It occurs in several old plays, and Shakespeare has it in at least two other ...
538) Commentary Note for line 2802:
2802 {(He answers.)} So would I {a} <ha>done by yonder sunne
    ... y speculate: "It is characteristic that Shakespeare retained in his ms. the phra ...
2805-6 Oph. I hope all will be well, we must be patient, | but I cannot chuse
2806-7 but weepe to thinke they {would} <should> | lay him i'th cold ground, my brother
2807-8 shall know of it, | and so I thanke you for your good counsaile. Come
2808-9 my | Coach, {God night} <Goodnight> Ladies, {god night.}
2809-10 Sweet Ladyes | {god night, god night} <Goodnight, goodnight.>     ... i>. Dyce remarks on this passage, that Shakespeare seems to have remembered it, ...
    ... , in his edition of Marlowe, notes that Shakespeare seems to have had in mind a  ...
540) Commentary Note for line 2818:
2818 Of his owne iust remoue, the people muddied
    ... /i>, or M<sc>udd</sc><i>led</i> up.' In Shakespeare it is brought to its origina ...

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