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710 to 719 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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710) Commentary Note for line 3668_366:
3668-9 Ham. Not a whit, we defie augury, {there is} <there's a> speciall | prouidence in
    ... e </sc>(Lectures on Shakespeare and Milt ...
711) Commentary Note for line 3669_367:
3669-70 the fall of a Sparrowe, if it be <now>, tis not | to come, if it be not to come,
3670-1 it will be now, if it | be not now, yet it {well} <will> come, the readines is all,
    ... e </sc>(Lectures on Shakespeare and Milt ...
712) Commentary Note for line 3671_367:
3671-3 since no | man {of} <ha's> ought <of what> he leaues, {knowes} what ist to leaue be|times, 3671-3
3673+1 {let be.}
    ... e </sc>(Lectures on Shakespeare and Milt ...
    ... ;I think . . . that Shakespeare had come ...
713) Commentary Note for line 3674_367:
3675 {A table prepard, Trumpets, Drums and officers with Cushions,}
3674 {King, Queene, and all the state, Foiles, daggers,}
3674 { and Laertes.}
3674 <Enter King, Queene, Laertes and Lords, with other Atten->
3675 <dants with Foyles, and Gauntlets, a Table and>
3676 <Flagons of Wine on it.>
    ... ts the lesson which Shakespeare intended ...
    ... ure,' and he quotes Shakespeare to illus ...
    ... deas different from Shakespeare about st ...
714) Commentary Note for line 3679_368:
3679-80 But pardon't as you are a gentleman, | this presence knowes,
3681 And you must needs haue heard, how I am punnisht
3682 With {a} sore distraction, what I haue done
    ... ughe at theim. 1598 SHAKESPEARE Loves La ...
715) Commentary Note for line 3696:
3696 And hurt my {brother} <Mother>. {N4}
    ... ge might be made by Shakespeare after he ...
716) Commentary Note for line 3697_369:
3697 Laer. I am satisfied in nature,
3698 Whose motiue in this case should stirre me most
    ...  term sb.</i> 10)). Shakespeare is rathe ...
717) Commentary Note for line 3699_370:
3699 To my reuendge, but in my tearmes of honor
3700 I stand a loofe, and will no reconcilement, 3700
    ...  term sb.</i> 10)). Shakespeare is rathe ...
718) Commentary Note for line 3701_370:
3701 Till by some elder Maisters of knowne honor
3702 I haue a voyce and president of peace
    ... red by a court.1600 Shakespeare <i>Merch ...
719) Commentary Note for line 3703_370:
3703 To <keepe> my name {vngord:} <vngorg'd.> but {all} <till> that time
3704 I doe receaue your offerd loue{,} like loue,
    ... ty gallants of whom shakespeare saw so m ...

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