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561 to 570 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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561) Commentary Note for line 2950:
2950 God buy {you} <ye>. <Exeunt Ophelia>
    ... rector spreads over Shakespeare should i ...
562) Commentary Note for line 2963:
2963 Laer. Let this be so.
    ... n the first quarto. Shakespeare seems to ...
563) Commentary Note for line 2964:
2964 His meanes of death, his obscure {funerall,} <buriall;>
    ... the first syllable; Shakespeare varies t ...
    ... different places by Shakespeare on the f ...
564) Commentary Note for line 2988_298:
2988-9 were two daies old at Sea, a Pyrat of very | warlike appointment gaue
    ... th an incident that Shakespeare must rec ...
    ... ied. Whether or not Shakespeare remember ...
565) Commentary Note for line 3003:
3003 {Hor. }Come I will <giue> you way for these your letters,
    ... ;give' was the word Shakespeare wrote; c ...
566) Commentary Note for line 3014:
3014 So {criminall} <crimefull,> and so capitall in nature,
    ... found the word that Shakespeare intended ...
    ... explanation is that Shakespeare wrote <i ...
    ... first attempt which Shakespeare then tid ...
567) Commentary Note for line 3018:
3018 Which may to you perhaps seeme much {vnsinnow'd} <vnsinnowed>,
    ... word is not used by Shakespeare elsewher ...
    ... the spring to which Shakespeare refers i ...
    ... nation is required. Shakespeare never wr ...
    ... phically plausible. Shakespeare uses <i> ...
    ... </i> ((l. 19)); and Shakespeare employs  ...
568) Commentary Note for line 3041:
3041 That we can let our beard be shooke with danger,
    ... for the learning of Shakespeare have tol ...
569) Commentary Note for line 3051:
3051 They were giuen me by Claudio, he receiued them
    ... 1C;(an odd name for Shakespeare to use,  ...
570) Commentary Note for line 3078+12:
3078+12 {King. A very ribaud in the cap of youth,} 3078+12
    ... ><tab> </tab><i>New Shakespeare Society< ...
    ... >Anon</sc>. (<i>New Shakespeare Society' ...
    ... d reason for modern Shakespeare edns to  ...

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