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551 to 560 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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551) Commentary Note for line 2881:
2881 That both the worlds I giue to negligence,
    ... ut the one to come. Shakespeare uses <i> ...
552) Commentary Note for line 2896:
2896 And like the kind life-rendring {Pelican} <Politician>,
    ... >. [3.4.76 (1857)], Shakespeare uses the ...
    ... 113 (ed. Brooke, <i>Shakespeare Apocryph ...
553) Commentary Note for line 2901:
2901 And am most {sencibly} <sensible> in griefe for it,
    ... .4.27 (1308)] where Shakespeare says, <i ...
554) Commentary Note for line 2902:
2902 It shall as leuell to your iudgement {peare} <pierce>
    ... ing, an image which Shakespeare is fond  ...
    ...  plain or open with Shakespeare &lt;/2:2 ...
    ...  the eye.' I assume Shakespeare wrote &# ...
555) Commentary Note for lines 2923-25:
2923 Oph. You must sing {a downe} <downe> a downe,
2923-4 And you call | him a downe a. O how the wheele becomes it,
2924-5 It is | the false Steward that stole his Maisters daughter.
    ... 8): &#x201C;Perhaps Shakespeare alludes  ...
    ... ns </i>thinks, that Shakespeare alludes  ...
    ... wheel fits it! That Shakespeare knew the ...
556) Commentary Note for lines 2927-29:
2927-8 Oph. There's Rosemary, thats for remembrance, | pray {you} loue re-
2928-9] member, and there is {Pancies} <Paconcies>, thats for | thoughts.
    ... eilt.&#x201D; [That Shakespeare places a ...
    ... esent in my sight.' Shakespeare has seve ...
    ... >pansies</i>, which Shakespeare appropri ...
    ... sed is also used by Shakespeare in <i>WT ...
    ... bethan England; and Shakespeare had alre ...
557) Commentary Note for lines 2930-31:
2930-1 Laer. A document in madnes, thoughts and {remembrance} <remem-| brance>fitted. 2930
    ... word is not used by Shakespeare in any o ...
2932-3 Ophe. There's Fennill for you, and Colembines, there's | Rewe for
2933-4 you, & heere's some for me, we may call it | {herbe of Grace} <Herbe-Grace> a Sondaies,
2934-5 <Oh> you {may} <must> weare your Rewe | with a difference, there's a Dasie, I would
2935-7 giue you | some Violets, but they witherd all when my Father {dyed,} <dy-| ed:>, 2935
2937 they say     ... 16;herb of grace.' Shakespeare so terms ...
    ... 16;herb of grace.'  Shakespeare so terms ...
559) Commentary Note for line 2945:
2945 His beard {was} as white as snow,
    ... l. vi. p. 223. Both Shakespeare and the  ...
    ... us </i>&#x201C;Both Shakespeare . .  . t ...
560) Commentary Note for lines 2948-49:
2948-9 {God a mercy} <Gramercy> on his soule, | and of all {Christians} <Christian> soules, <I pray God.>
    ... oberts</sc> (<i>New Shakespeare Society' ...

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