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451 to 460 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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451) Commentary Note for line 2469:
2469 In the ranck sweat of an inseemed bed
    ... ilson suggests that Shakespeare drew unw ...
452) Commentary Note for line 2502:
2502 Your bedded haire like life in excrements
    ...  took Notice, in my SHAKESPEARE <i>resto ...
453) Commentary Note for line 2514:
2514 {Ger.}<Qu.> Nothing at all, yet all that is I see.
    ... dent (see Stoll, <i>Shakespeare Studies< ...
454) Commentary Note for line 2517:
2517 Ham. Why looke you there, looke how it steales away, {I4}
    ... nclude, either that Shakespeare had &#82 ...
    ... ult to believe that Shakespeare wrote th ...
    ... been suggested that Shakespeare &#8216;s ...
455) Commentary Note for line 2518:
2518 My father in his habit as he liued,
    ...  is well known that Shakespeare excelled ...
456) Commentary Note for line 2522:
2522 <Ham. Extasie?>
    ... ord, always used by Shakespeare to denot ...
457) Commentary Note for line 2527:
2527 Would gambole from, mother for loue of grace,
    ... ask himself whether Shakespeare could by ...
    ... ting horse supplies Shakespeare with a m ...
458) Commentary Note for line 2529:
2529 That not your trespasse but my madnesse speakes,
    ... ly ten years before Shakespeare began to ...
459) Commentary Note for line 2532:
2532 Infects vnseene, confesse your selfe to heauen,
    ...  113): &#x201C;When Shakespeare was writ ...
460) Commentary Note for line 2535:
2535 To make them {rancker,} <ranke.> forgiue me this my vertue, 2535
    ... 0;re</i>, would not Shakespeare naturall ...

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